Chapter 16

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I went home after the weird encounter at the post office. I didn't give it a second thought until a few days later when I was in the cafe with Sandra and my mom having lunch and people kept staring at me and whispering. People had stopped doing that months ago, after Finn was born people around town had become used to us. They stopped asking if I was ok, they only asked about my son. Somehow the staring at the whispers had returned.

I glanced around the cafe and leaned across the table, "Do you know why people are acting so weird? I've noticed it for a while. People keep looking at me like they did when we found out Dex had died." My mom and Sandra exchanged a knowing look and shuffled in their chairs. I knew something was amiss so I pushed the subject, "Just tell me. I can't stand not knowing. I can tell people are talking about me behind my back." I hated the whispers and sorrow filled glances. They made me feel weak and I didn't want to go back there again.

Sandra leaned forward and whispered, "I think we should go somewhere more private to talk about it." My mom nodded in agreement. We finished our meals, paid and met up at my house. I held Finn on my hip and turned to face the two women. They glanced at each other, silently discussing who would speak first. I sighed heavily, "Mom, just tell me."

My mom sat down in the chair in my living room and cleared her throat, "Bree, there was a rumor going around town about two months ago that there was a young girl, your age with a baby two towns over. No one knew who the father was, she hadn't told anyone. She kept it really quiet." Sandra broke in, "Then a month ago I got a phone call from the girl's mother. She told me that her daughter had given birth to a son a month before you gave birth to Finn. The mother told me her daughter didn't know she was calling me but she wanted to tell me that her daughter's son was my grandson."

"Mitchell has a baby with this girl?" I asked, I could feel the tears form in the corners of my eyes. I couldn't believe he hadn't told me he had a child out there. My mind started to swirl with all kinds of sinister scenarios of his dishonesty. I cuddled Finn close to my chest for comfort.

Both women sighed in unison before Sandra shook her head, "No, not Mitchell... Dexter." I almost lost my balance when she said his name. I shook my head, "No, that's not possible. This girl is claiming Dex is that baby's father? How?" My mom stood up and pulled Finn from my arms. She set him down on his play mat and pulled me into a tight hug. I was shocked at the words Sandra had just uttered.

"I'm sorry, sweetie." my mom whispered in my ear. I pulled away, "Are we just taking her word for it?" I was angry. This girl was obviously lying. Dex wouldn't have cheated on me, I was sure of it. The implication disgusted me.

Sandra slumped down on the couch, "At first I was shocked too. I dismissed it too but the mother told me they would be willing to offer a DNA test. The only reason she contacted us was because she thought, since Dex was gone, we might want to know our grandson. I met with them and I couldn't deny it, the boy looks so much like my son. He looks just like Finn actually. This girl has nothing to gain from claiming the boy is Dex's. She hasn't asked for money or anything from us. In fact, she wasn't too happy that her mother contacted us at all."

I pushed my mom away and crossed into my kitchen. I started the coffee pot, mostly just to have something to do. Tears were streaming down my face. I had no idea how to process the information. I reached for my phone and texted MItchell to come to my house immediately. He showed up a few minutes later, almost breaking the door in the process, "What happened?"

Sandra sighed and rubbed her hand on her forehead, "Bree found out about Tessa today." Mitchell's eyes went from his mother to me. He crossed the distance between us and wrapped his arms around me. He held on tight. My heart broke a little more, he already knew? How could he not tell me?

"Sandra and Murray told your dad and I when they found out. We didn't know how to tell you, sweetie. You went through so much with Dex and then Finn. We were trying to find a way to tell you about her." my mom reassured me. I buried my face in Mitchell's chest and wrapped my arms around his torso. I cried hard. Finn whimpered when he heard my sobs, Sandra picked him up and snuggled with him to sooth my son.

I tried to control my breathing but it was futile. I just sobbed into Mitchell's chest. This was another level of loss. It had been devastating to lose Dex in the first place but to lose the image of him I had known was like a second death. Dex had betrayed my trust with this other girl, Tessa. Had he betrayed me with others as well? I couldn't take much more heartache.

"I think we should take Finn for a while and give you some space, sweetie. Sandra and I will be at my house when you've calmed down, ok?" my mom suggested. Mitchell didn't move, he held on to me. I offered a soft sigh and nodded. I felt him shift, she nodded. "I'll take care of her.", he whispered.

I heard my mom and Sandra shuffle around the room and head out the door. When they were gone I let out a deep sob. It shook my entire body. I cried out, "How could he do this to me?" Mitchell didn't respond, he just held me and waited for me to cry myself out. We stood in my kitchen while I cried until my chest and stomach hurt. When I had no more tears left I looked up at Mitchell and whispered, "Did you know he was cheating?"

Mitchell looked down at me with a pained look. He didn't say anything, he just nodded. I rested my forehead on his chest, "How long was he cheating? How many were there?" He sucked in a deep breath before he spoke, "Dex loved you, Bree. You need to remember that." I shook my head, "Just tell me, Mitch. No more secrets."

He lifted my chin up to meet his eyes, "There were three that I know about. Tessa, and two others. He wasn't a bad guy, but he had a big ego. Dex figured he wouldn't get caught, that he was untouchable. He never dreamed you would find out."

I huffed, "Did Garrett know too?" Mitchell nodded, "Yeah. He didn't like it either but Dex just shrugged it off. He figured Garrett and I would never hurt you like that by telling you. He was right." I shivered, I was suddenly cold. I took Mitchell's hand and led him to my bedroom. We laid down together and I buried my face in his chest again.

I sighed, "So, this girl, Tessa. Have you met her too?" Mitchell sighed, "Yeah. She's really quiet. I've seen her son. He does look just like Finn. I know she's telling the truth because Dex told me about her before he passed away. She's got no reason to lie."

I nodded, "What's his name?" He kissed my forehead softly, "Elliot." I nodded but didn't say anything else. I was exhausted from the crying. I let myself rest in Mitchell's arms, he made me feel safe and loved. Silently I grumbled at myself for the guilt I had felt when I realized I had feelings for Mitchell. My loyalty to Dex had prevented me from acting on it for a long time. I had been loyal to Dex long after his death, he couldn't be loyal to me when he was still alive. I was experiencing a new level of heartache. I wanted to hate him for it, but deep down no matter how much it hurt, I just couldn't.

"He was a cocky asshole." I muttered. Mitchell chuckled, "Yeah, he was. He never dreamed you would find out, Bree. It would have broken his heart to break yours." I frowned, "Then why couldn't he be faithful to me in the first place?"

"I don't know. I think he would have grown out of it, honestly. Dex was just being a stupid kid, he was implusive. I know that if he had lost you it would have broken him though." he told me. I sighed and snuggled into his shoulder. Mitchell planted soft kisses on my head. I felt an overwhelming amount of love for him. He had been taking care of me since before Dex had died, I realized. I knew I was in love with Mitchell but I wasn't going to tell him that day. It wouldn't have been the right time. Instead I decided I wanted to wait for a moment that was only about him, he deserved that.

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