Chapter 12

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It didn't take long for me to establish a routine with Finn. We left the hospital the day after his birth to return to my parent's house. We were there for about a week, Mitchell was determined to have the house set up before too long. Finn was a great eater, he doubled his weight in the first week. Our family doctor was happy with his development. He woke up like clockwork throughout the night; 1am and 4am each night to eat. By the fourth night home I woke up before he could cry out for me. He was an easy, happy baby. Finn was very sweet, he was the first grandchild on both sides of his family, so he was the favorite so far.

We were having our breakfast one morning in early October when Mitchell came racing through the back door. He was completely covered in dust but he was wearing a big smile. It was just Finn and I at home, as it was a weekday. Finn cooed when he saw Mitchell. I smiled and greeted him, "Hey, how's it going?"

"I just installed the new bathtub and shower last night. I did the cocking this morning, it still has to dry." Mitchell told me. I nodded at him and smiled, "You need a day off, Mitch. When was the last time you did anything for yourself?"

He shook his head at me, "Don't have time. I've got stuff to do. I have to take a load to Cargil on Friday as it is. I want to finish the bathroom before the weekend but it doesn't look like I will get it done. The damn sink I ordered still isn't in yet." Mitchell let out an irritated sigh. I shook my head at him.

I lifted Finn up into my arms and offered him a soother. I turned to look at Mitchell, "You know, you can take a break. You have done so much for me already, you deserve a day off. Why don't you go out on a date?"

Mitchell's eyes went wide and he smiled at me, "What do you mean?" I shrugged, "I'm sure there are lots of girls who would love to go out with you, Mitch. You know, Michelle who works at the pharmacy has always had an eye for you. You should ask her out, have a bit of fun."

His face turned from a smile to a frown, "I don't need a date. I go out sometimes." He crossed the kitchen and took a glass from the cupboard and filled it at the sink. As Mitchell drank his water I turned around to face him, "You don't go out ever. Since you found out I was pregnant you have been focusing all your energy on me and Finn. You deserve to have a bit of fun too. You don't have to be so responsible all the time. Go and have a good time!"

Mitchell shook his head, "I'm having a great time fixing up your house. I like the challenge. Don't worry about me, Bree." I sighed heavily and set Finn down under his hanging play station on the kitchen floor. I crossed my arms and frowned at Mitchell, "It seems I'm the only one who worries about you. You are doing too much Mitch and I don't like it. I think you should take better care of yourself."

"You don't need to worry about me, I promise. I go out and I have a good time now and then. Ryan actually wants me to go to Banff this winter to go skiing with him." he told me. I nodded, "That sounds great! Go and meet a snow bunny, have some fun!"

He shook his head, "You seem a bit obsessed with me meeting a girl, Bree. You don't need to be, I have no trouble in that department." I felt my face flush, which I hadn't expected. Mitchell smirked at me and shook his head, he refilled his glass of water and continued to drink. I studied him for a moment before I let a smile cross my lips, "I'm just glad to hear you have a woman in your life. You never talk about yourself much."

"I've got a few." he admitted. I felt my jaw drop slightly, I hadn't expected that from Mitchell. He chuckled and shook his head at my expression. I sat down on the floor next to Finn, he was smiling up at me. I heard Mitchell come up behind me and stand over us. He cleared this throat, "I should get back to the house. I'll see you two later." I nodded but didn't say anything else.

As he left I thought what he had said. If Mitchell found the time to have a few relationships I had no idea when he did it. Perhaps these women were just booty calls or something. He was always with us, at the house or at the farm working. It seemed like he never took a day off. I turned my attention back to Finn and smiled, "I think we need to do something nice for your uncle Mitch. He takes such good care of us and he doesn't ask for anything in return. What do you suggest?"

Finn cooed at me and I giggled, "That's your answer for everything." He smiled up at me. After I put Finn down for his morning nap I opened up my laptop and started looking through the internet for gift ideas for Mitchell. I didn't have a lot of money but I wanted to do some things to show him how much we appreciated all he did for us. There were some suggestions which were costly weekend getaways or

fancy jewelry but Mitchell wasn't that kind of guy. I examined various options but I decided none of them were right for him. I called Sandra and asked her what I could do for him.

"I know, my son is hard to buy for. Mitch is a man of few words, and fewer wants." she sighed. I chuckled and nodded, though she couldn't see me.

I adjusted myself in my chair, "I want to do something for him. He takes such good care of Finn and I. I know I don't have to but I want to."

I heard Sandra clear her throat, "Well, he loves a good home cooked meal. That I know for sure. His favorite foods are macaroni and cheese and T-bone steaks, cooked rare. I know he likes to go hunting but he hasn't had much time for that in the last few years with the farm."

I thought about it for a moment, "What about clothing? Does he need socks or anything?" She laughed, which triggered my own laughter. I was grasping at straws for a gift for Mitchell.

"I am sure whatever you decide to do, he would love it, Bree." Sandra assured me. I sighed and thanked her before I hung up the phone. I was no further ahead after talking with his mother. Maybe Ryan would have an idea, he was Mitchell's best friend after all.

I sent Mitchell a text to ask him for Ryan's phone number. He texted me back immediately, wanting to know why I wanted to know. I panicked and told him I wanted to invite him out sometime. I didn't hear anything back from Mitchell all afternoon. I wasn't sure if he got busy or if he was distracted, I put it out of my mind when it was time for Finn's afternoon feeding.

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