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Why are we all here?

Is our meaning in life to try so hard to survive, just to inevitably die in the end?
Or are we all hear by the wims of some all powerful being that could snap us all out of exsistance without a second though?
Do we even have any control over our own lives, do we serve for a higher purpose?
And if that were true, who realy has control, for what reason are we realy hear?
Do we realy deside our own destinys, our own fates, can we even pick out our own destinations?
Or is it already laid out for us the second we are born, are some of us destined for greatness and others doomed to fail?
If thats true then who can blame some of us for just giving up.
But still we all were given this life, whether its a blessing or a curse is still up for debate, but i guess its what we do with this life that is the desiding factor.
So mabye its not so stupid to try to live.
Mabye its all in the kind of person you are, and the kind of people that are around you.
I guess what im trying to say is that no matter what, whether you try, or just give up all together, that choice is still yours to make.

Or at least I think it is.

Life: a very depressing poemWhere stories live. Discover now