"Im sorry"

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I'm sorry
The two words you are supposed to say when you regret doing somthing to someone else
What your supposed to say when you hurt someone by accident
What your supposed to say when you do somthing wrong
But more and more I'm finding that people, (myself included) are saying sorry for no reason
Purfect example
I was walking down the hall at my school the other day and someone just runs right into me
And my immediate reaction is to say sorry
I have no idea why
The phrase just comes out
If someone starts crying infront of me
"I'm sorry"
If someone is yelling at me for some stupid reason
"I'm sorry"
If I make a joke or join into a conversation and everybody else stops to look at me
"I'm sorry"
If I get asked why I say sorry so much for stuff I shouldn't be sorry for
"I'm sorry"
It's become my go to for every situation
Even when I'm not the one who should be saying sorry
And I know I'm not the only one
I here people do it all the time

Is this just the new normal?

And I started thinking
If saying sorry is becoming a go to for everyone to say
Has it lost its meaning
Dose saying sorry realy mean that you regret wronging someone?
Or has it just Ben used so much and so  Loosely that it's lost all meaning?
Dose saying sorry realy mean that your truly sorry anymore?
Because it's so easy to just say
"I'm sorry"
For any wrong you've done and be on your way.
You accidentally spill paint on someone art they spent weeks on
"O, I'm sorry"
You tell a joke that offends someone
"Hey sorry about that"
You make an insensitive coment that hurts someone
"I'm sorry for what I said"

It's so easy to just apologize and be done with it
But Dose anyone ever stop to achualy try to make up for there wrong doings?
Is anyone achualy ever sorry?
Or is just a simple 2 word phrase enough compensate for the bad things we do?
Sure it's better to say that your sorry than just walk away like a shitty person
But instead of just saying
"I'm sorry"
And walking away
Show that you mean it
Try to make it up to that person
If you accidentally trip someone in the hall and make them spill the stuff they were carrying
Help them pick it up
If you make someone cry by accident
Try to make the feel better
Because saying two words is easy
Making up for your mistakes is hard
And I know that doing somthing hard shows that you realy care
Because making up for somthing you've done wrong
Means admiting you were wrong
And that hard for alot of people
So showing that you over came that
Makes and apologie
That much more truthful

How are you all today?
Hope you had a good day, and if you didn't I hope you have a good one tomorrow.
Remember, you are all amazing and wonderful, And deserve to live
And don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Anyways I just wrote this of a thought I had today
Anyone got any ideas for what I should do next?
The Mind part 2?
The matrix part 2?
Anything else??


Ok lmao I've talked enough
Kitty out- 🖖

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