Matrix stuff

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Thanks to thegoldencatwithapen for being the first person to coment and chose and idea for my indecisive brain. Thank you, now on to the poem barf thing. Lol

So I've never watched the matrix, but from hearing about if from friends and family I've gotten a good idea about the ideas brought up in it

The main idea from what I've gathered is that nothing we see, touch, of feel is real.
Or that our reality isn't real, that everything we know, is fake
Or that it could be.

And there is now way it can be proven wrong.

We barely know anything about our own exsistance.

Take gravity for example, we know how it works, but not why. We know that it is what causes us to not float into the atmosphere and die. But not why it works, why it's there.

Even our own planet, we know more about space than we know about the ocean wich covers over half of our planet. And we don't even know half of the stuff about space.

Another idea brought up in the matrix is that there is more than one reality.
Think of it like a sheet of fabric, with spots
Each spot represents a reality, or world.
These spots never touch but all exsist.
Now imagine each spot is a person
Each person is unable so see the others, knows nothing of there exsistance.
All of them blisfuly unaware of eachother.
Thinking they are the only ones there.
That they are special
Our world is one of those dots.
We have no knowledge of the other dots.
Know way to prove or denie the others exsistance
Because we as a species have only scratched the surface of out own intelligence.

No I do not belive we will uncover the secrets of the universe
Not in this life time or the next
Not befor the sun explodes or our earth dies
But what I do belive is that there is more out there for us to uncover.
We just need to survive long enough to do it.


This chapter was trash
Ima have to do a part two of this soon because I didn't touch on everything I wanted to say about this.
I have so many thoughts on this subject I don't know how to put it into words.
But anyways
Thanks again to  thegoldencatwithapen for telling me to do this as much as it hurt my brain.
Hope you all have a good day and stay safe
Kitty out

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