chapyer 7

141 3 0

pastey let steve in his house and for a first impression, the block man liked it alot. in the living room he had a brown couch, a coffee table and there was a framed picture of jesus christ with vin diesels head taped over his face on the table.

"you gotta nice place here." said steve.

"yeah I guess its ok" pasyeu shrugged and as he watched him look around he remembered what markiplier had told him. to forget about salty and move on and steve here was clearly his answer. "you wanna tuck me into bed?" pastey asked. steve gasped happily when paste had said that to him. he turned around with a blush on his face and smiled "I would be delighted!" steve said.

the two then went upstairs to his room and pastey had even held his hand. stebe tucked pastey into his cars bed and turned off the princess lamp on the bedside table.

"I had a good time." Steve said.

"yeah.. me too I guess." pastey blankly replied.

steve sighed, "well I guess I'll see you later then?" he was about to walk out but then pastey stopped him.

"wait, steve."

steve stopped and turned around.

"arent you gonna kiss me goodnight?"

saltydkdan x pasteyWhere stories live. Discover now