chapter 5

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later that night markiplier and pastey made their way to the bar. markiplier was wearing a fancy black suit with a white tie and khaki pants and pastey was wearing a fancy white hoodie, a spongebob beanie(for the ladies) and some standard Jeans.

they made it to the bar and at the doorway markiplier looked over at pastey and pastey looked back "now remember what I told you kid:" markiplier said "keep a fair smile and make eye contact oh and don't accept drinks from strangers"

pastey nodded "ok, I got it"

"so, you ready to go in there?" markiplier asked

pastey looked inside the dimly lit bar catching sight of people dancing and many groups of friends enjoying drinks amongst themselves. it was kind of dark, the only light was that of the colorful party lights. seeing all this was kinda overwhelming but pastey managed a confident smile "yeah," he said "I'm ready!"

markiplier and pastey walk into the bar together, some people catching eye of pastey's sexy attire but mainly who he came in with. they make it to the area In the back where you order drinks (a/n I have no idea what the hell that's called I'm not old enough to go the bar nitwits. I tried googling but got nothing) where the bartender who was also obama stood behind

markiplier and pastey sat in a stool and former president Barack Obama walks up to them behind the counter "hello there I am Barack, Barack Obama"

"yeah yeah, we know who you are" markiplier said "just give us two margaritas and make it quick, my friend here is looking for love" (a/n: I don't know any alcohol either, I'm a literal baby)

obama nods and goes away for a sec to make the two their drinks.

"so, what do you think of this place so far?" markiplier asked pastey

"I dunno, its average I guess" pastey said

"why don't you take a look around, see anyone you like" said markiplier and pasteu did just that. he looked around the bar and observed the many people but he didn't find anyone particularly noteworthy. he did however, spot a blocky man staring. he was sitting close by and the red stroby lights bounced right off him. he wore a blue shirt, had brown hair and rather toned skin. when he was caught staring he blushed and looked the other way

pastey looked over at markiplier "I think that guy over there was staring at me" he said as he pointed to the block like man. markiplier looked over at him and chuckled "I think hes exactly your type" markiplier said "why don't you go talk to him?"

"okay" paster said. he hopped off his stool and walked over to the man. there was an empty stool by him and he took a seat "hi" pastry simply said. the man turns around meeting eyes with the other "hello" the strange block man said in an average text to speech voice "I just shit my pants,  can I get in yours"

pastey was all like "what? excuse me?" to such an absurd question

"if you were a vegetable youd be a cutecumber" the man continues and pastey finally got it

"oh, I see what's going on here" pastey laughed and tried to think of a pick up line a top his head "let me try. um, do you like Wendy's? because I'm gonna love it when wendeez nuts slap your face"

"that was literally the worst pick up line I have ever heard" the man said robotically "i love it!"

"thanks, I'll be here all night" pastry chuckled "so um, what's your name?"

"my name is Steve, Steve Minecraft" steve minecraft said

"and I'm pastey" pastey said

"pastey" steve said as if to savor every letter "I like that name, almost as much as I like you" he said

"awe steve, that's really charming of you" pastey said but those words weren't any exciting for him. sure, he appreciated the complement but it didn't land anything special. when his buddy salty said anything remotely nice he was all for that. but when Steve said it...

pastey shook his head 'no pastey! you're here to forget about salty, stop thinking about him already!' suddenly Timber by Pitbull began playing making Steve excited

"this is my all time favorite song!" steve minecraft said "care to dance with me pastey?"

"oh yeah, sure" pastey said. maybe some dancing would get his mind off salty. he looked over at markiplier who gave him a big thumbs up before making his way to the dancefloor with Steve.

when pastey and Steve made it to the dancefloor, steve began fortnite dancing to the beat and pastey simply swayed back and forth to the music. usually, he would have been going hard on the dancefloor because he stanned the sexy bald man more than any other kpop idol but as he watched Steve do the floss, he couldn't help but be reminded of the time when salty tried to fortnite dance and failed miserably. it was the funniest shit hes ever seen but this? this was just sad

Steve minecraft looked over at his depressed date midway into orange justicing "pastey? are you okay?" he asked

"y-yeah, I'm fine" pastey stuttered "I just need a drink" he walked away to where markiplier sat and took a long drink from his own margarita

"hey what happened? you were doing great out there!" markiplier said to pastey

pastey put the empty glass down "every time I see Steve I'm reminded of salty" pastey sighed "I think I'm gonna head home now"

"go home? no no no, I can't let you do that" markiplier said "the night just started and I can tell Steve's really into you"

"well I'm not." said pastey "his voice is weird, his dance moves are wack and hes just..  so square"

"well I gotta weird voice too and the ladys love me"

"yeah but your voice is hot, steve literally sounds like a reddit text to speech video"

"at least give him a chance, hes perfect for you" he looks up to see him walking over "look, there he comes right now"

"pastey, is everything alright?" steve asked after walking up to the duo

"not really" pastey said "my head hurts"

"might have too much alcohol, why don't you walk him home steve?" markiplier suggested

"good idea!" steve said and took pastey's
hand ready to take him home

"if I die tonight, I blame you" pastey whispered to markiplier

"yeah yeah, nice having you over too"

**jojo theme** to be continued or something idk

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