chapter 3

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pastey grit his teeth angerly and balled his hands into fists. he was fucking fuming! "Dwayne The Rock Johnson!" he screamed

"yes pantry, Dwayne the rock Johnson is who I'm infatuated by" salty said. he jumped off the couch and walking to the window to watch the rain pour out, hands behind his back as his reflection stared back "I've loved him for years and so has he. we have been dating for a long time and I was too scared to tell anyone but now that u bring this up, it's only fair that you know"

"no" pastey got on his knees. he felt so defeated that he began to cry "nooo!"

"I'm sorry pastey" salty said standing over him "we can still be friends though, I can even ask Dwayne if I can homie kiss you every now and then"

"but I don't just want to be your friend I want to be your lover as well!" pastey cried "I want to hold your hand as we watch the Garfield Netflix show, I want to call you cool pet names like 'babe' and i want to sweat profusely as we cuddle!"

"well I'm sorry to say that it just cant be that way" salty said "but thanks for the cute couple ideas, Dwayne would love to hold my hand as we watch the Garfield Netflix show"

pastey started to sob vigorously after that. first his date goes to shit and now someone else had his crush to themselves instead of him! he felt like it was over for him. he stood up with his head low and tears streaming down his face.

salty sighed "I'm sorry pastey," he held out his hand "you wanna maybe-" pastey slapped his hand away "no! why don't you go do whatever it is you were about to offer with your secret boyfriend!" pastey screamed through tears

salty was about to say something but before he could pastey ran to the door and ran out into the rain

"pastey! wait!" salty yelled. he ran to the door but when he looked out, his best friend was already gone. he sighed with a frown on his lips "what have I done?" he muttered

pastey ran into the road in the rain. not looking back as the water hit him. his tears were already blurring his vision and as he sobbed he didn't bother to wipe them off. he should have though because a car came from the side and before he could react, the driver him by accident

"shit! I hit another fuckin'animal!" the driver who was also markiplier angerly said. markiplier got out from his car holding a spongebob umbrella to protect himself from the water but when he saw what he hit he gasped. "wait a minute, thats not an animal!" he said "it's a man!" getting down
on his knees, he examined the unconscious body of pastey. "hey man, you okay?" markiplier asked and he poked the side of his fat head

"... salty.." was all pastey could mumble

"well at least hes alive" markiplier said. he got up but he couldn't just leave this man on the side of the road so he takes him into his arms and walks over to his car. the passenger seat was gone for some reason and the back seat was stuffed with kfc so without another option, markiplier stuffed pastey in his car trunk, closed it and got back inside. driving to his house in the rain...

*jojo end theme* 2 bee continuetie

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