ଘ 3 | Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk * ੈ✩‧₊˚

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The morning arrived almost as quickly as the night had ensued, with an exhausted Beomgyu curled up in his bed in an attempt to sleep as long as he possibly could. There was most certainly nothing in the world that he preferred over sleeping, besides maybe breathing, but even then it was a close call. He had the covers pulled over his head, practically guaranteeing that his hair would be a tangled mess once he eventually decided to rise. Although, he concluded that wouldn't be for quite a while, as he was perfectly content in sleeping yet another day away. In his scarcely awake mind, he attempted to recall how long he had been asleep for. Of course, he remembered falling asleep after his slight quarrel with Yeonjun, but had he really slept for that long? Apparently so, as he felt a soft, fluffy surface slam into his head moments after the hazy thought.

He only groaned, curling himself into an even smaller ball as the object, presumably a pillow, hit him again. It was a rather difficult task to awaken the brunette, but seeing as the person attempting to wake him up knew that already, it was only moments before he felt the warm security of his blanket torn away from him. He finally opened his eyes, hooded and annoyed as he found Yeonjun holding the blanket in his arms.

"Rise and shine, princess," Yeonjun snickered to himself, tossing the blanket onto his own bed to essentially force Beomgyu to sit up.

"Give it back," he tried to shout, but his voice cracked a bit, from the dryness in his throat and the lackadaisical feeling in his mind.

"Normally I wouldn't care how long you sleep for," the older began, and Beomgyu noticed that he was pulling on a zip-up hoodie, adjusting the strings accordingly, "but your tall friend? Soobeam I think his name was? I dunno, I just went to breakfast and he comes up to me all worried-like and basically begged me to wake you up so he wouldn't have to sit alone."

"Soobeam?" Beomgyu yawned, trying to piece together what the fox-faced boy was telling him, "oh, Soobin. Tell him I'm sick."

"Tell him yourself," Yeonjun sighed, noticing the brunette had already turned himself away again, practically asleep once more, "hey, get up!" He shook the smaller boy in return, almost gaining no response in doing so.

"Mmm, no," somehow the drowsy Beomgyu had managed to fall asleep once again, even without a blanket.

That is when Yeonjun decided to resort to rash measures. The room was silent for a bit, a hopeful sign for the snoozing bear who just wanted a little more time to sleep. Until a cold, hard surface made contact with his exposed skin, and he shot up in an instant. Ice cubes. Yeonjun had slipped ice cubes onto Beomgyu's unconscious body, and the chilling sensation woke the sleepy brunette right up. He removed them as quickly as he could manage, chucking the half-melted cubes at Yeonjun furiously. The older only laughed at the latter's reaction, watching as Beomgyu rose up from his bed, his eyebrows stitched together as he glared at the mischievous boy in front of him.

"Really? Ice cubes!?" He finally spoke, causing another fit of laughter to erupt from Yeonjun.

"You wouldn't wake up, and well, they worked didn't they?" That snide comment earned a punch to the shoulder from the younger, a slight stinging pain from the hit, but nonetheless it was most certainly worth it.

Beomgyu haphazardly grabbed some clothes and a hairbrush from his bag, hardly caring what he was putting on as he tugged his shirt off. Yeonjun was still in the room, trying to calm his breathing, a hand on his slightly pained stomach from laughing so much. As he wiped away a fake tear dramatically, his eyes fell to the shirtless boy in front of him. Although they had been cabin mates for a couple days now, Yeonjun hadn't taken the time to really look at the boy. He was normally focused on how to annoy him or make him flustered, although there was a slightly different feeling now.

୨୧ : 𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚜 :┊ yeongyuWhere stories live. Discover now