ଘ 5 | A Look In The Past * ੈ✩‧₊˚

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A/N - Two chapter updates for you guys this time! I didn't want to leave off on an angsty note like last time, so here's a little flashback chapter of Beomgyu & Yeonjun as kids, when they were best friends. :) Enjoy!

Beomgyu mindlessly twirled his pencil between his fingers, hardly paying attention to his surroundings as he attempted to balance the wooden writing utensil along the tip of his pointer finger. His tongue slightly poking out of his mouth in concentration, before an abrupt slam of paperwork collided with the table. With a jolt, the pencil clattered to the table and he was practically forced to stare down at the sheet in front of him, a score of '15/100' taunting him in the corner of the paper.

"Choi Beomgyu, what do you have to say for yourself?" A resonant voice questioned, with the owner of said voicing standing directly behind him.

"I'm sorry, sir," he swallowed thickly, eyes glued to the table as his muscles involuntarily tensed.

"Sorry just isn't going to cut it," the voice replied, moving from the space behind Beomgyu now to the one beside him. He placed a disappointed hand on the boy's shoulder, "I've been tutoring you after school for almost three weeks now, and yet you still aren't understanding the material. Why is that?"

Beomgyu shook his head, "...I don't know."

In all honesty, Beomgyu was well aware of the lies he was spouting. His mother had been sending him to be tutored by his teachers for practically his entire life, to help further his education and raise his grades. She had always helped with certain things academically for him to succeed, and although it was an innocent act it eventually grew to be something the boy dreaded.

"You don't know?" The teacher asked, disbelief in his tone.

"No, sir..." Beomgyu was short and blunt with his responses, fearful his lies would somehow slip through the cracks.

"Well, if this continues I'm afraid I can no longer tutor you, Beomgyu. It just seems like you are taking this as a joke, and I do not want to waste my time if you aren't taking these lessons seriously. Actually, I can call your mother right now so I can—"

The brunette practically leapt from his seat, standing from his spot so quickly he almost fell from the momentum, "no! Wait, I am taking this seriously. Please don't quit tutoring me, sir."

The teacher gave a quirked eyebrow, seeming almost puzzled at Beomgyu's enthusiasm considering how poorly he did during the lessons, "trust me Beomgyu, I would love to. But if my teaching isn't helping you understand the material, then I don't think I'm fit to be your tutor. You haven't made any progress in this class ever since I've begun giving you lessons."

"I can do better! Try harder, please just one more chance," the boy clasped his hands together, giving his most pleadful expression to his teacher.

He shook his head, breathing out a long sigh, "I'm sorry. How about you head home early while I inform your mother about ending our tutoring, hm?"

Going home early. It was what Beomgyu had been fearing the most; the reasoning behind attempting to stretch his tutoring lessons to the longest extent so as to not leave the building prematurely. And yet, he had no arguments left to combat his teacher with, so he could only nod in untruthful agreement, "...okay, then."

"Good," the teacher smiled in an attempt to lift Beomgyu's battered spirits, "I'm really sorry it had to be this way, Beomgyu. But it's truly for your own good."

"Yeah," he replied, although so breathlessly it sounded comparable to a whisper.

Beomgyu then turned on his heel at a painfully prolonged pace, returning to his belongings which were placed near his seat. In an attempt to try and slow his speed, he took a rather excessive amount of time to put away his possessions. And although he carefully returned his pens and erasers to his pencil case, all while painstakingly taking his time to zip everything up as gradually as possible, it only bought him a few extra minutes before he inevitably had to exit the classroom. He nodded silently at his teacher before giving a wave, opening the door simultaneously before departing.

୨୧ : 𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚜 :┊ yeongyuWhere stories live. Discover now