Qingxin or Cecilia? (part 1)

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Xiao yawn as he stretches out his arm. 'Another day...' He though. Luckily he wakes up early than usual today to ask something to his adoptive dad.

Xiao quickly got up from his bed and prepare for school. after going to the toilet, he grabs his bag, checks his uniform and brushes his hair.

Hearing sounds from the kitchen, Xiao knows that his dad is already preparing breakfast. He heads downstairs, Zhongli notice Xiao and greet him "morning, your early today" he smile gently. Xiao was never a morning person but seeing him get so worked up in the morning make Zhongli proud.

Xiao look around "Where's Ganyu?" He asked. Usually, Ganyu would be up and panicking as she double checks every assignment she got, worrying there is something wrong with it.

Qiqi, who already got up, help Zhongli prepare breakfast by placing plates and getting everyone drinks. "...she looks tired than usual lately, so Qiqi put herbs in her drinks so that she will rest for a bit" Qiqi answered Xiao with a straight face.

Qiqi has always been a smart kid, she knows a lot about herbs and medicine and how to identify plants in the wild. Sometimes even Xiao a bit surprised at her knowledge. "She deserves it," Xiao says casually as he took a sip of the drink Qiqi served on the table.

"Ah, dad I got a question" Xiao remember why he got up early in the first place.

"What is it?" Zhongli says as he brings plates of food and serves them on the table.

"You teach the 3rd year class right?"

Zhongli was a bit surprised, Xiao never took any interest to know about students in his previous school, but this progress is something good. "Yup" he answers.

"Do you... Know Venti?"

Zhongli took back what he said. No, he's not happy with Xiao progress. "Do you mean that problem child?" Zhongli still sounds soft and calm but Xiao knows that his dad is not so happy with that question.

But it makes sense, Zhongli who always strict and calm will normally dislike Venti who carefree and loud.

"Yup that's him, do you know what he's like in class?" Xiao asks the real question.

Zhongli took a deep breath as if he's ready to spit out a 5-page long essay of why he dislikes Venti. "That child is arrogant, he thinks he's the centre of attention at all time and he's always a little bit late to class. He brings little flower and decorates his table at school like it's his own! Truly a disgrace" Zhongli sigh.

'Shoot I'm not even close with him and dad already disapprove... But at least now I know Vent like little flowers' Xiao was not disappointed in the result.

"Ok, I'm going now, thanks for the food" Xiao head to the door. "Oh, I almost forgot... Come on Qiqi we need to get you to school" Xiao extend his hand to Qiqi. He loves his sister<3

"Ok..." Qiqi holds onto Xiao's arm tightly.

"Careful now, I'll wake Ganyu up and head there as well" Zhongli waves at them and Qiqi wave back.

As the two of them walking together to Qiqi kindergarten, Xiao is losing his mind, 'yea he like little flowers but m what kind???' He feels stupid to not take about it to Zhongli earlier.

Qiqi stare at Xiao face blindly, "Brother are you ok? You seem to be panicking..."

A light bulb lit up in Xiao mind, 'yes! Qiqi an expert in plants and stuff!"

Xiao turns to Qiqi " Qiqi... Do you know any pretty little flowers?"

Qiqi thinks for a while "hmm... There's a lot of little flowers that are pretty, can you please tell more details?"

'Well shoot' Xiao has no idea what to say. He know nothing about flowers, especially what flower Venti like... But it won't hurt to just try and guess what type of flower it is...

"Uh, somewhat light green and white?" Xiao thought that Venti would like this kind of flower.

"Do you mean Qingxin flower? It use to be a popular flower in an ancient country named Liyue. It said to grow on high peaks back in the days but as times past, it can now be found on green hills."
Qiqi explain everything about the simple flower.
(Yes I am going to turn this into incarnation AU)

"...um maybe yea thank you" Xiao smile gently as he hope for the best that it's the right flower that Venti like.

"Actually if you want some, the hills behind my kindergarden have a couples. I look there before and it's really pretty..." Qiqi continue as she point to a hill behind the kindergarden they approaching.

"Really? Thank you then, but please don't go to the hills alone and more importantly don't skip classes" Xiao pat Qiqi head gently, people say that he's a rough guy but when it come to Qiqi, he is the softest big brother ever.

"....ok"  Qiqi replied.

From a far, Klee who watching both of them from the kindergarden window wave "QIQI!!! MORNING!!!" She giggle.

"Morning..." Qiqi smile.

"Go on then, bye bye" Xiao send her of and wave bye bye. He then proceed to go to the back of the kindergarden cause he know damn well he ain't missing the opportunity to give Venti flowers.

It took him a couple try to get up the hill and finding the flower. But when he finally found it, he feel something... As if... He have done this before, picking flower while thinking of his love one. Xiao is sure that this is the first time he know about the flower but still... It feel familiar.

He try to not think much of it. He grab a few and it tight. His face is a bit dirty as a result of climbing of a hill just know, but somehow he feel happier than usual.

Without waiting any longer he rush to school to meet Venti.

Note: woah sorry for not updating in so long (;;;・_・) I was getting prepare to pull for Klee and Kazuha <3 wishing the best of luck to anyone pulling them  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

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