first text disaster

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The sound of Xiao alarm made him curse the world first thing in the morning. But instead of ignoring it and pulling the blanket over his head to sleep for just '5 more minutes', Xiao took the effort to close the alarm and stretch himself awake. After all, he has a new thing to look forward to starting today.

The previous night he has set his alarm to be 10 minutes earlier then usual, it's not much different but it should work. Xiao grab his phone and went to the messaging app first thing first.

Yesterday felt like a dream, never would he believes that he have Venti's number. No way he would have the confidence for that. But the clear 'The bard' on his contact list confirmed it all. Xiao you lovestruck idiot, you actually got his number.

But one thing confused him, why would Venti would save his own number as 'The bard' kinda fits him. Anyway, he already promised and no matter how embarrassed he is to do this he can't back off now, not after all those brave talk.

[Good morning.]

Sent. Wait, is adding a '.' sounds too serious? But just 'good morning' sounds hollow...should have he sent 'morningggg' like lumine always does? But that wouldn't sound like him at all. But he already sent it he can't just delete it that'll look awkward! What should he do now, what should he say next?!

Suddenly he remembers a sticker Ganyu always use, a cute cartoon animal waving hello. Surely that would ease the mood right? But before he can think twice his finger already pressed the sticker. Oh well..

Xiao put down his phone and stare at the screen, face going paler every second. Come on, this kind of nervousness is worse then when he's taking his exam result! His mind races, is it to late to change anything? Should he send another message??

Bluetick appeared. Too late now. Now the screen show that Venti is 'typing...' Oh crap. Calm down heart, calm down!

[Didn't thought you were the type to use stickers lololol]
[Using cute stickers...are you trying to be cute as well?]

Xiao can feel his heart explode. The sticker wasn't a good idea afterall! Venti calling him cute? Or is he teasing him for trying to be cute?? Ah...this is bad for his heart...

[Ah sister use it a lot so I thought..]

At times like this it's best to be honest right? Right?! He's trying to be cool not cute?!!

[Ohh your sister must be a cute kind of person then]

Why is he calling Ganyu cute now?! Dammit he rather be called cute then having Venti say that to someone else.. Also why is this conversation focusing on the word cute???

[My sister is older than me! No way she's cuter..]

Crap, he's can't think straight anymore.. at this point he'll might as well say the fact that he's burning with jelousy..

[Cuter? I wasn't trying to compare you two silly!]
[You're cute too yknow?]
[Satisfied? Hehe~]

Too smooth, way too smooth. Thanks the gods, this is a blessing he'll never forget. Anyway this need to stop now otherwise his heart would stop first.

[See you at school then]

Xiao change the subject even tho it's clear he's trying to avoid the need to reply.

[See you!]

Any like that Xiao close his phone and took a few deep breath. That not so bad at all is it??? Whatever he would ask the twin to comment on it later..

Now that he's awake and his heart can't calm down, might as well take a shower and start the day. One thing for sure, his dad would be pleased seeing him up early for once.

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