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"Morning..." Zhongli remarked in awe, seeing his only son coming down ready for school so early.

"Morning." The teen simply replied back, as if nothing is different. But it's as if the world is ending for his dad, what's next, the sun would rise in the West?!

Ganyu and Qiqi had similar reaction too, but Qiqi wasn't shy to face the matter up front. "Xiao-gege is early today." She said deadpaned, a finger on her lips showing innocent curiosity.

"Ah-" Xiao replied, his cheeks turning a shade of red as he remember the actual reason to his early morning. Archons.. Did he really fixed his sleep schedule over a crush?!

He said nothing more and eat his breakfast, excusing himself to school faster than the others with the reason being the twins will be waiting for him. Fortunately it's Ganyu turn to take Qiqi to kindergarten today.


Xiao arrived at his class and take his seat. The twins eyes widen dramatically at his appearance. "Wow, you're early today." Lumine commented, her voice genuinely impressed. "We thought you'll be late so we went ahead without you lol" aether added. Lumine laughs and aether joined in.

"Why the sudden change?" Lumine asked, still recovering from the chuckles. Is the idea of him getting up early that hilarious??

"Well..." Xiao look away, embarrassed to admit the truth.

"Well?" Aether pressed, leaning his chair closer to hear better. Forget it, it's useless trying to hide anything from them. They'll know sooner or later anyway, they always does somehow.

Xiao open up his phone and show the chat he had with Venti, Lumine basically snatched the phone away from his hand, her face fill with amusement. "You wake up early to wish good morning?!!!!" She exclaimed, clearly enjoying the fact.

"Hey- give it back!" Xiao blush and try to snatch back his phone, but twin works in pair and lumine throw it to aether who take his turn to read. He even scrolled down further...

"She's older than me, no way she's cute! ~~" aether mocked, the same amount of amusement on his face. Xiao turns red and hide his face with his arm, looking down on his table. The twin laughs like it's the funniest thing they've seen,

"Archons.. You're so whipped." Lumine slide back Xiao's phone on his desk.
"Sooo whipped." Aether added before laughing some more.

After a while Xiao finally lift up his face and take his phone away, his eyes glaring to the twins. "Had your fun?" He asked sarcastically.

"Oh definitely. This is entertaining!" Aether answered followed with a nod from Lumine. How did he find friends like them anyway? But no doubt they're the best he could ask for.

"Keep it up dude! You should go talk to him during luch." Aether encouraged.

"But for what? What should I say?" He asked back, the idea of just suddenly walking into the senior's class and have absolutely nothing as a conversation topic is a nightmare of itself.

"I don't know... Just ask about his day! You did say you'll meet him at school in the text, what if he's waiting for that?" Lumine commented, feeding into Xiao delusion.

"He's waiting?" He mumbled, and lumine almost let out a laugh. "Yeah, sure he is. Yeah."

As long as Xiao is happy they guess, pluss this is too entertaining to not encourage.

(Author's note: some minor details/personality mightttt change cause I'm picking this up from 1, nearly 2 years ago abandoned work LMAO. I don't remember anything 💀)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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