Venti's diary

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"I'm home!!" The door burst open. Still, Venti makes sure the impact doesn't make too much of a sound. He didn't want to give everyone in the household a heart attack afterall.

"Welcome home!" A women's voice sounded from the kitchen, look's like his mom making dinner. Venti drop his bag at the couch, and rush up the stairs to his room. "Dinner in a hour!" His mom added and Venti gave a dragged out "yes" as an answer.

The second floor of the house has 3 rooms and a bathroom, one for him, one for his twin and another for any guests that comes along to his house but usually Venti would use it to keep stuff that doesn't fit in his room. Venti reach for his room's doorknob but stop midway, as if he's forgetting something.

Of course, he was so tired and wanted to lay on his bed so bad he actually forgot his daily routine. His eyes moved to the room beside his, his twin's room. Since they're twins, they use to be in the same room, and that room was used as a storehouse. But since...since he collapsed and fall into a coma, he was moved and the storehouse was cleared out to make room.

Venti open the door slowly, not wanting to disturb his 'sleep' in any way. "I'm home, brother" he said softly, not like the cheerful greeting he gave while entering the house just now. His twin, laying on the bed with wires connecting to his body everywhere just to keep him breathing said nothing in return, as expected. He would do this everyday, hoping that one day he'll hear a "welcome home" back. It's a foolish dream, but he still look forward to the possibility everyday.

Exiting the room, Venti finally enter his own and dive head first to the bed. Relief wash over him and he let out a long sigh, today was... something. Actually the whole week has been something, ever since that new kid transferred.

Venti stuck his hand under his bed and drag out a notebook. It's your everyday notebook that's supposed to be used to take notes in class but Venti consider it his diary. Well... it's more like his whatever-to-do-went-he's-bored book full of silly doodles, he only wrote done about his days like an actual diary when there's something worth mentioning about.

Like that time his twin moved a finger for the first time in months or when his dad came home early from work for once. But these days there's been too many unexpected things he need to take records of, like how a new transferred student confessed to him on his first day at school. How the student, who apparently named Xiao, mistaken Cecilia as Qingxin. Venti still laugh whenever he remembered that day.

And today Xiao asked for his number, which is expected since that's normally what you do when you like someone but what's make Venti felt weird is how his heart tell him to save it as 'The bard'?? I mean, it's clear to Venti that he wants to have a job related to signing or musical instruments somewhere in the future but a bard?? That's something from ancient times, no one would call themselves a bard these days...

Venti sigh as he right all this down in his 'diary'. He also make sure to note that strange déjà vu feeling he got when Xiao walked in on him playing the flute... It felt like he's been in that situation before and Xiao was there too.

Seriously, who is Xiao?

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