Qingxin or Cecilia? (part 2)

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Note: IM BACK!!! sorry for disappearing for so long ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ I didn't get Klee lol but at least I have guaranteed Kazuha now ( ╹▽╹ )

Out of breath, Xiao stop in front of Year 3's Class door. He rush from Qiqi's kindergarden in hope he arrived sooner than Venti to leave flowers at his desk.

He stand outside Year 3 class, peeking inside the class for any sign of Venti being there.

Great. He isn't there yet. He can still do this.

But how? He can't just barge in and out flowers on Venti's table, people going to give him stares!

Suddenly, Xiao hear footsteps running toward the class. He turn to see who it is, "Woah there you finally woke up huh"

"FOR GOD SAKE XIAO WHY DOES NO ONE WAKE ME UP? I HAVE PROJECTS THATS DUE TODAY" Ganyu scream pointing at the pile of box she have in her hands.

"You need rest." Xiao sigh, his sister been overworking too much.
"Here let me help" Xiao took the boxes out of Ganyu's hands, the classroom is literally in front of them but Xiao can use this as a chance to get inside.

Ganyu get inside the class followed by Xiao, she might be rushing but she still put on a gentle smile greeting her classmates.

Xiao follow Ganyu to her seat and put the boxes on her table. His eye search for Venti seat... "Psss, where is Venti seat at?" He whisper to Ganyu.

"Venti? Oh he seat right behind me." Ganyu reply, she have no idea why Xiao is whispering but she might as well do the same.

Xiao nods, it's nice to hear her sister sit Infront of Venti. He turn around and slip his hand into his pockets, he reach the Qingxin flowers he bought and put it on the table.

The flowers were not in the greatest shape since it was stuck in his pocket for so long, but it will do. Xiao notice little doodles on Venti table and seeing that make him smile.

What Xiao doesn't notice is that Kaeya who sits to the right beside Venti witness the whole thing. This is the first time Kaeya have look at Xiao and he was surprised how someone who look like him can fall for someone like Venti, they are total opposites!

. . .

The classroom door burst open 5 mins before the class started, "MMMORNINGGGGG EVERYONE" Venti waved to his classmates.

"5 mins early, that a record" Kaeya smirk checking his watch.

Venti walk to his desk happily only to see a surprise waiting for him. He pick up the flower and observe it carefully, wondering who put it there.

"That guy worked hard for that yknow" Kaeya sigh giving Venti hints.

Venti immediately know who it is, he play with the Qingxin flower in his hand humming a tune. "Hmmm...silly, he got the wrong kind" he smiled.

. . .

The bell rings for lunch, Xiao was getting ready to go eat with the twins when suddenly Venti showed up at their classroom door.

"Uh... You guys go first I'll catch up later" He waved at the twins outside the class signing them to go without him.

After a while there's only the two of them left in the class. Venti slowly made his way to Xiao who was sitting at his desk nervously. Venti pull out the Qingxin flower from behind his back and put it on Xiao's table.

He then sit on top of Xiao table, "nice try, but that's the wrong kind of flowers" he let out a laugh.

Hearing that Xiao got embarrassed and turn red, he know that the flowers might not be accurate of what Venti want but he never thought that Venti will go out of his way just to point it out.

Seeing that Xiao still can't form a word, Venti continue talking. "This flower originated from an ancient country called Liyue, the one I like is Cecilia, which originated from another ancient country called Mondstadt. It isn't far off but it's still not the same kind. Keep this in mind and maybe one day you'll be able to make me blush~ for now, I'll give this attempt a 5/10....umm let me see, the reward is... A pet on the head should be fine right?" Venti laugh. He reach out his hand to pet Xiao head.

Xiao may be embarrassed by his actions but he enjoyed every second of it.

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