Lexi and Sam - Here For the Long Haul

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Lexi and Sam - Here For the Long Haul
A/N: I wanted to include some more insight into what happened after Transitioning. There's no apparent reason why I decided to write a one shot, but I had an idea in my head. Warning: it starts off a little, what should we call it? Oh, wanky;)
January 2015

Sam smirked, as Lexi pulled him into the bedroom. He had just confessed that he had always loved her, and he loved the baby. It was all good news, because the baby was his, and they were having a boy. All was right in both their worlds, and now, Lexi's hormones were sensually acting up.

She smirked, as she pulled his face down to meet hers. Once his lips captured hers, they moved in sync, as Sam pulled her closer to him, while they had an intimate exchange.

"I really like these hormones." Sam muttered through their kiss, as Lexi smirked, unbuttoning his shirt, as he proceeded to lift her shirt over her head, tossing it aside.

"These hormones are good, but you're better." She replied, as he smirked this time, leaning down again, chuckling when she pushed him onto her bed, and towered over him, pressing her lips to his once more.

Sam used this distraction to gently flip her over, so he was carefully towering over her. She hummed as he pressed kisses down her neck. He pulled away, taking a minute to admire her, as she smiled up at him, with that same beautiful smile he had fallen in love with a few years before.

"What?" Lexi asked, with a slight frown when Sam hadn't said or done anything.

"You're gorgeous." Sam replied, as she blushed.

"Stop it." Lexi muttered. "I look like a bloated potato."

"But you're literally glowing." Sam pointed out.

"And you're literally lying." Lexi was quick to disagree.

"No, I'm serious! You-"

"If you say glowing one more time, we're done." Lexi cut him off, although both of them knew she was joking. Pregnancy hormones had a lot of effect on her emotions and her mood.

"All right, all right, all right." Sam shook his head, using his well known impression. Lexi giggled, pulling her sheets up to cover herself, as she leaned against her headboard. She watched as Sam settled down next to her.

"I love you." Lexi finally spoke up after a few moments. "Thank you for finally agreeing to raise this baby with me."

"I wouldn't want anything else." Sam smiled at her. "I love you too, and like I said, I fell in love with this baby when you broke the news to me. I'm more than excited to be a dad, and I want you to know I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for the long haul."

"I really needed to hear that reassurance." Lexi nodded, as he leaned in, pressing his lips to hers again. They sat there, diving into each other for a few moments, before she pulled away, but allowed her forehead to lean against his. "It's a relief to know the baby was yours. I almost didn't open the envelope, until Kitty took it yesterday, and forced me to rip it open."

"I'm glad she did, because the results were worth waiting for." Sam chuckled.

"We're having a baby boy." Lexi said, still in disbelief that in a few short months, they would be parents, and she would have a baby in her arms.

"It's crazy." Sam agreed, as he looked at Lexi who groaned when the baby kicked. She placed her hands over her stomach. "You okay?"

"He kicks at this time." Lexi laughed softly. "I wrote down every time he's kicked, and it usually falls in this time frame every night."

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