Lexi and Quinn - Catch Up

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Wanted to make up for being absent from writing on here...so here's a longer one shot for y'all. The idea kinda just flew threw my brain, so I hope y'all enjoy it:)
July 2014

The breakup had happened. What? Almost a month ago? And although Lexi had talked it through with Blaine, Santana and even Kurt and Artie, there was still one person she longed to talk to. The person she could lean on, the person she hadn't seen since the new year. Because of both of their classes, their schedules were filled up every week, preventing them from connecting in person. However, after the unfortunate event that had unfolded, Lexi needed that person, more than ever.

What she didn't realize, or in her case, what she forgot was that any news travelled through the New Directions various group chats. It made sense that her and Sam's breakup had reached everyone by now. So a certain someone was on her way down to visit Lexi in New York.

Lexi was in her kitchen, trying to enjoy the calmness of that evening, along with attempting to lift her spirits - for what felt like the 100th time that month - by eating some of her comfort food and binge watching Grey's Anatomy, since organizing and planning wasn't benefitting her post breakup depression.

She frowned when she heard several knocks on the door.

"Hmm, that's weird." She mumbled, placing her small tub of ice cream on the counter, before she walked over to the door. She paused, before unlocking her door and sliding it open. When she saw who stood before her, a smile found its way onto her face.

"Quinn, you're here!" Was all she got out, before pulling the older woman into a hug. "God, I missed you so much." She whispered, only receiving a tighter hug in response.

After they pulled away, Quinn took a moment to observe the younger woman, ensuring she was healthy.

"What are you looking at?" Lexi queried, noticing her friend's obvious observations.

"Just wanting to take this all in, and to make sure you're doing okay." Quinn assured her. "Now are you going to let me in? I didn't come down here to just stand and make small talk at your door!"

"Oh yes, of course!" Lexi smiled, stepping aside, allowing Quinn to roll her suitcase into the apartment.

Once they were inside, Lexi was quick to shut the door, before walking into the kitchen area again. "I'm so sorry I didn't have anything prepared. I didn't even know you were coming and a whole lot has been happening. Life has been a little wild lately." She rambled, as Quinn only nodded.

"It's all good, Lex." The older woman replied. "Now how about we grab some drinks and sit down? It's about time we catch up, right?"

"I'd love that." Lexi said, sending her a small smile, before grabbing some drinks from her fridge.

This was going to be a long evening.
"It's been so long." Lexi began, trying to start a conversation. "I feel like I haven't seen you in years, even though I saw you 6 months ago."

"Being an adult has its pros...and its cons." Quinn shrugged. "Plus, both of us are occupied with our classes, so our schedules are pretty tight."

"Touché." Lexi chuckled, before she took a  sip her drink.

Quinn watched her silently, before she decided that it was time to get right to the point of why she was down there in the first place.

"So update me. How have things been around here? How have you been?" She asked, making a choice to begin discussing the topic she'd wanted to talk about lightly.

At that, Lexi smiled, although her smile quickly faded, and she turned away from Quinn.

All the older woman heard was some sniffles, before the younger woman finally mustered the strength to turned back and look at her.

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