The Big Turn Around

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Chapter 8

I woke up to Ryan softly whispering that he’d got hungry and pizza was on its way. He told me he didn’t want to wake me, but because I was leaning on him, when he got up he would wake me anyway.

“How are you feeling sleepy head?” He asked me in such a delicate manner. I wasn’t sure how to answer this question, I mean I didn’t feel brilliant but at the same time I did feel a little better.

“I’m okay thanks.” I told him, it wasn’t a complete lie, I just didn’t want to worry him.

I sat upright again so that he could free his arms from around me. As I got up to give him some room, he also removed himself from the sofa and stood face to face with me.

“Well, I’m glad of that. I think we can give our school project a break for now.” Ryan took hold of my hands and held them firmly. “Do you trust me?” He asked.

“You know what, I’m really surprised to be saying this but yes, I do trust you.” He gave me a look of confusion at this confession. “Oh, no Ryan it’s not because of you. I just find it difficult to trust people, that’s all.” His look brightened a little.

“Okay, then if you trust me, will you let me do this?” Ryan took a step forward so that our bodies were almost touching. He leaned forwards, closed his eyes and placed his lips against mine. Our hands separated and he placed his fingers on the sides of my face. I found myself responding to his lips, the kiss started off very gently but before I knew it, my arms were wrapped around Ryan’s neck and the kiss grew more passionate.

After what felt like the best moment of my life, Ryan pulled away. He looked me in the eye and smiled.

“I love you Ingrid Brooks.” I giggled nervously not knowing what to do; he just admitted he loved me. I was speechless. “I want to make you very happy.”

Then the kissing started again, this time neither of us were afraid. The kiss was heated and very passionate. His lips felt around every corner of my mouth and when his tongue touched my lips, I obediently parted them to let him in. We shifted position so that I had my back to the sofa, still kissing. As the kiss grew more torrid, Ryan started to take off my dark hoodie. I knew where this was going and in all honesty I really didn’t mind. The only thing that concerned me were the scars that my body held of the violent harm I had done.

We pulled apart and I took off Ryan’s crumpled shirt. One by one, each piece of clothing we were both wearing was removed, until I was down to my underwear and him his boxers. Then he stopped, looked me in the eyes and took a step backwards. I started to cry.

“Ryan *sniff*, I’m sorry. This is the reason why *sniff* I am so ashamed of myself. I know this looks bad but--”

“Ingrid, why didn’t you tell me? I wouldn’t have been mad at you. I used to do the same thing.” He turned his arms so that his wrists faced the ceiling. They were covered with tiny, white, faded scars as if a small child had attacked them with a colouring pencil.

I once again put my arms around his neck and he pulled me in closely for a hug. It felt very odd with my skin touching his. His body temperature excited me and I quickly forgot that I was crying.

Now it was my turn to start the fire. I arranged myself face to face with Ryan and gave him a smile. I leant towards him so that our bodies couldn’t physically get any closer and our lips joined together once more. This time he parted his lips so that I could enter. His mouth tasted so good. Our kiss this time was very torrid and soon he dipped me and laid me down on the sofa.

Ryan climbed on top of me and the rest is history.

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