My Little Angel

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Chapter 14

Our lives continued together in a not so different way to how they were before. I mean the only differences were that I know longer had to go to school and I was only visible/audible to Ryan as well as being able to fly/float, which I must admit was a lot less tiring.

Unluckily for Ryan, he was still alive and therefore still did have to go to school. The other unfortunate fact was that everyone now thought Ryan had gone mad because he would always to talk someone who didn’t appear to be there.

That aside, I wasn’t really much better off. Being invisible to nearly everyone meant that my life had turned very lonely. I would often talk to my growing baby girl inside me for comfort. She was beginning to feel so close to me.

“I’m sorry baby but I have to go to school now.” Ryan said rather sleepily. “I’m taking the motorbike, the weather is shit. It’s raining again.”

“Oh okay. Be careful and have fun.” I joked with him.

Ryan left the house and I was left alone in the kitchen. Ryan and me were the only people living in the house now. Jordan was offered his job after his interview and took it, which meant that he had to stay closer to his workplace.

I finished my toast and went to watch television. There wasn’t much on and I ended up with the Jeremy Kyle show. It was all about a daughter who’s father died and her mother abandoned her at a young age. She was now going meet up with her mother again for the first time in seven years, after saying she never wanted to see her again.

Their meeting didn’t go too well and the mother stormed out in disgust at the realisation of who her daughter had become. It was actually quite funny.

“It’s alright my little angel.” I whispered to my stomach quite some hours later.

It has started to hurt and I wasn’t sure why. I had morning sickness again that day which I knew was perfectly normal but why my stomach was hurting I couldn’t understand.

I flicked through the music channels because I couldn’t find anything to watch, when I felt a light dampness underneath me. I stood up and to my horror there was blood on the sofa. I ran to the bathroom and started to panic. My stomach was in so much pain and I knew something was very wrong.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I dialled Ryan’s number.

“Hello beautiful.” Ryan answered. “I’m only a few blocks from home, how’re you doing?”

“Ryan quick!” I screamed. “I’m bleeding. I think I’m having a miscarriage.”

“Oh my god.” Expressed Ryan. “Hang in there baby. I’m coming.”

Ryan couldn’t stop thinking of what I had said, ‘I think I’m having a miscarriage’. He thought, “she couldn’t lose this baby, I loved her. It was the only thing keeping Ingrid here.”

Ryan struggled to battle with his mind, Ingrid’s rambling and the motorbike. He saw the pick up truck heading straight towards him but failed to apply the brakes fast enough. Ryan flew onto the bonnet on the truck and his head made impact with the windscreen. He was instantly killed with a thud.

On the other end of the line, I heard the thud and the call ended. I knew exactly what had happened. First I had been lost, then my baby, and now Ryan.

I curled up in a corner on the floor of the bathroom and cried. I was still bleeding but I knew my baby was gone. I eventually fell asleep in my little ball. Now my baby girl really was my little angel.

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