The Last Leg

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Chapter 15

“Baby?” Ryan whispered to me, waking me up. “I’m so sorry baby. I’m like you now. I can’t believe our baby girl has gone.”

“I know.” I replied. “We never even gave her a name. She was my daughter, and now she’s dead.”

“Well it’s up to you, you know. She was your daughter, so why don’t you give her a name. She may be gone, but theoretically so are we, so she will always be with you.” Ryan comforted me.

“True that. She will always be my little angel. I’ll think about it.” I told him.

I wasn’t sure what was going to happen now. I had no link to the human world anymore so I knew I couldn’t stay there for long. I explained all of this to Ryan who seemed rather down about it all.

“My brother will manage without me, won’t he?” Ryan asked. “I’m the only family he has left.”

“I’m sure he will.” I assured him. “I mean his career is just kicking off and without having to worry about us, he can really make something of his life.”

“I guess.” Ryan considered.

As for me, I had formed the perfect idea of what I wanted to do now. It was simple really, there was only one thing I could do.

“So what now?” Ryan asked me.

“Are you ready to cross over?” I asked in reply.

“Well I guess we have to.” Ryan expressed himself in quite a worried tone. “Then what?”

“Then let’s go and find my dad.” I said excitedly. “Why not? I’ve never known anyone to care for me as much as he did, and I’ve had a whole in my heart since he passed away. Please?”

“Okay, but how do we cross over?” Ryan questioned.

“I guess we just leave the house.” I replied. “If you think about it, we don’t belong here anymore and when we leave this house, we will leave this world.”

We both floated down the stairs and to the front door. I lead the way and Ryan followed.

“It’s sad really.” I reflected. “This life didn’t turn out too great for either of us, did it?”

“Nope. You got that right.” Ryan laughed nervously. “Well maybe in the next world things will be better.”

“Hey, I know what we can name our daughter.” I said, just having had a brainwave.

“What’s that?” Ryan asked.

“Hope!” I cried. “She can be our hope that we find my dad.”

I opened the battered, front door and let a beam of blinding light flood in.

“I love you Ryan.” I whispered.

“I love you too Ingrid.” He replied.

“Lets go and find my dad.” I smiled.

We joined hands and floated into the light together, ready for a whole new adventure in a whole new world.

The End.


Thank you so much to evryone who reads this book and supports me. I'm sad it's finished but there will be more where that came from. I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment and vote if you liked it<3

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