Chapter 69

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I have only one thing to say.... hehe 69.


Okay. If he woke up, on a daily basis, with a chakra exhausted Kakashi completely collapsed next to him, he would love his life.

However, they needed to get the report in. And hopefully Kiri had no idea that they accidentally set it on fire. Very hopefully.

He had one hell of a headache.

Hikaru rubbed at his head, hating the fact that he was in his bed in mission gear. Kakashi was definitely to blame for this.

He took a glance over at the sleeping nin, something fond creeping inside of him. Ah. The perverted jonin, he wasn't going to lie anymore, was actually pretty cute.

He tore his gaze away, getting up. Immediately he was cursed with aching muscles, as well as... a chakra signature in his living room.

Kami damnit. He just woke up. It was too early for this.

Still, he ran his fingers through his hair. At least he could try and pretend he hadn't woken up at, what, 11 in the morning?

Hikaru glanced towards a clock. Yeah. It was 11:43 currently.

A sigh left his lips, and he ambled out to the living room. Sasuke sat there, his eyes filled with a semi-familiar gaze.

Kami damnit. He didn't want to deal with Sasuke's current, hopefully brief strangeness. But he greeted him with a soft nod.

"Do you want tea?" He asked. "I also have things for a sandwich, if you're hungry."

"Oh." Sasuke said. "Eto... sure. I'll have some matcha tea."

He was followed into the kitchen, where he proceeded to turn on the kettle. He set out tea cups and small plates.

"Well, do you want a sandwich?" He asked once more, amusement slipping into his voice by accident.

Sasuke nodded, seemingly too embarrassed to meet his gaze. Oh well.

He winced as he reached up to pull down the bread. Kami, he hated chakra exhaustion. It hurt, especially when he had a normally high amount of chakra.

"You alright?"

"Hai. Rough mission, is all." He said, making himself two sandwiches. He was starving.

"Ah." Sasuke said intelligently.

There was silence as they ate and sipped at their tea.

Finally, Sasuke sighed. "I'm not sure how to say this, Hikaru."

And here it was. The reason for Sasuke's surprisingly sane insanity.

"I'll only have a short time here after I say this, so just know that I enjoyed being here."

Concern hit him like a brick to the sternum, leaving him breathless with how much he cared. "Sasuke. What's going on?"

A small, soft breath. Snow fell around them as they desperately tried not to break through the hard-packed snow. One wrong move and they were killed.

Tense. The air itself vibrated with lightning electricity that Hikaru had only thought Kakashi could replicate. Well, it appears he was wrong once again.

It seemed to be a reoccuring theme.

"I'm from your timeline. I inhabited this Sasuke's body to tell you a lot of things." Came the blunt tone.

His world stilled.

Hikaru... couldn't understand. He honestly couldn't. It was as if the news was something like a death, except the news was that his best friend was technically alive.

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