Chapter 1

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Hello, reader! Thank you for clicking on this book and reading it! I hope you enjoy♡

TW: Panic attack, mentions of malnourishment & character death.



Okay, so maybe Naruto was a little screwed. Just a little, if only because he had no other adjective to explain what this was. 

He woke in a grass-filled clearing that was framed with trees, some bark stripped and revealing the tan wood beneath. He was leaned against one of those trees, the rough bark digging into his back. 

A soft groan echoed as he blinked, rubbing at one of his eyes. The pain hadn't faded much, leaving his body aching and his joints feeling as if they were about to tear.

Torn clothes hung off of his thin frame as he blinked again, a small ruby-coloured lock of hair in his vision. Like how he'd heard his mother's hair to be, except the tips of his were almost a strawberry red. If that made any sense. 

Naruto struggled to sit up, patting down his pockets carefully. He had figured a good chunk of his kunai were missing, but thankfully most of his fuinjutsu supplies were still in use. His sword, which had been Sasuke's old one, was still with him but in less then pristine condition. 

Softly, his chakra brushed against the trees and discreetly spread out. Small chakra signatures of animals appeared, as well as the burning nature chakra of the trees around him. Thankfully, there were no people around, nor chakra in the shape of them. 

I can't have them sensing who I am. 

He sighed, sitting back down and leaning against the tree once more. Maybe his chakra signature had changed, but he somehow doubted that. Especially if his chakra pool was more or less the same. 

A couple seals would change that. So he pulled out a mostly-empty scroll, chakra-conductive ink, and a unclean quill. Dipping the quill into the ink, he slipped away from reality. This seal should hide his massive chakra pool to that of a mid-level jounin, as well as hide his chakra signature. 

Shadows began to stretch, the world around him growing less bright. The rustling of the leaves surprised him as he was close to finishing up the seal, and he glanced up. 

Ah. It should be about mid-afternoon now. At least he hadn't shown up in the middle of the night, when he wouldn't be able to see what he was doing. Kurama's chakra did not give him night vision, despite all rumors around the Tailed Beasts' chakra. 

He shed what was left of his shirt, smoothing the seal of his paper over his left pec. There. Now, at least, they wouldn't ship him into the T&I department right away. 

A single handsign forced the scenery to whirl in front of his eyes. Once he released it, he was leaning against yet another tree. He hadn't shunshined in quite awhile, so it made him even more dizzy then he was before. 

The world spun heavily around him, and Naruto panted, leaning his forehead against the tree. He wasn't ready to face Konoha.Which, of course, was a bad thing because he was about ten meters or so from the heartbreakingly familiar gates peeking through the trees. 

A frown decorated his face as he dug through his pockets, looking for a specific scroll. One that carried a change of clothes and, hopefully, some hygiene products. Like deoderant, because he badly needed some. And some sanitary wipes for the dirt on his skin.

Looking over himself, he was definitely not fit to pop into the village at the moment.

He came across a scroll with a bright blue band wrapping around it, and he quietly opened it as he crouched behind the tree he was leaning against. A small tube of toothpaste, a used toothbrush, a slightly dirty mirror, and some unused floss popped out. Great. Clothes, deoderant, and wipes were in another scroll. 

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