Chapter 43

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Hello! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!


Hikaru's first thought was that it couldn't be real. Not this, and definitely not now.

His second thought wasn't really a thought, it was an action. 

His sword sliced through the neck of a nearby Kumo genin who just hadn't seen him coming, somebody else nearby running towards him as warm crimson blood ran down Hikaru's arm. He froze at the sight, his mind whirling. 

He blinked for a split second before the genin grew even closer. Then, almost robotic-like, his sword pierced the genin through the heart. 

His third thought was that he had to meet up with his team. And he would have, had there not been fire that wreathed in the direction of the Nara forest, and billows of black smoke rising from the east, where the Yamanaka compound was. 

Hikaru felt no tugs to call him. 

You will go out like a hurricane, or you won't go out at all.

The voice in his head harshly reminded him as Hikaru sprinted down cold, empty streets filled with Kumo or Kiri nin that overwhelmed the simple teams that Tsunade had put together. There was a loud crash nearby- Hikaru would head towards that. 

His feet were quiet against the rooftops as he slid to a halt, dangling precariously over the edge. In front of him, Tsunade fought against the Mizukage, who looked up at Hikaru, and all at once Hikaru remembered that the Mizukage was controlled by Obito. 

His teeth ground together, but Hikaru was saved from making decisions by a tug on his chakra. 

He flashed swiftly towards the location, ending up right in the middle of a fire that was destroying the compound. There were water users trying to put it out, Kumo nin swarming over the area. 

Shikamaru looked so small, his breath visible in the frosty air, the tip of his nose reddened and his cheeks blotched with the cold. He was crouched in a bush that barely hid him, the leaves of said bush stripped from the harsh winds that always happened in Konoha's winter.

Hikaru crouched down behind a tree, making eye contact with Shikamaru. He let warmth show in his eyes, giving Shikamaru a small thumbs-up that made hope light a flame in Shikamaru's chocolate colored eyes. 

"Hikaru-sensei, I was thinking that if we got the water users towards the edge of the forest and just put that part out, we could... we could let the compound burn so that the water users can focus on where they're needed." Shikamaru murmured, staring at what Hikaru assumed was his house in the midst of flames. 

"Good thinking, Shikamaru." Hikaru said instead. "I'll go. You stay right here away from the Kumo nin, and try to get a few if you can. Be careful." He murmured, standing up and running towards the frantic water users. 

He explained Shikamaru's quick thinking, watching as the leader of the group nodded, and they headed out to go do what they were told. Hikaru quickly turned back towards Shikamaru, who had climbed a tree in the time he was gone. 

"Shikamaru, where do you think we're needed next?" Hikaru asked, letting the chunin take slight lead. Shikamaru was smarter than he was strategic thinking wise. 

"The middle of Konoha. It looks like there isn't a bunch of fighting there." Shikarumaru said, and Hikaru quickly grabbed him and shunshined to a rooftop. 

Hikaru glanced down, before seeing Shikamaru's face go pale. "Hikaru-sensei, that's Choji."

Horror floated from him like snowflakes, and Hikaru watched Shikamaru go down. Harsh breaths poured out of his mouth, and Hikaru could only watch like an idiot. 

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