Chapter 41

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Hikaru was tired of being away from Konoha- he could guarentee the longing for it never really got better. It was only his second week away and that morning it felt like he'd woken up in his apartment, only to be struck with the harsh reality that he was on a tree branch in the middle of nowhere. 

Well, it wasn't really in the middle of nowhere, considering he was still in the Land of Fire. But it felt like it. 

Being away from Konoha didn't feel much like taking a break, more like he was leaving forever. 

And yes, he was more than angry at himself and Kakashi and the former Hokage, but that didn't mean he wanted to go back. Not to mention the voice that was in the back of his mind had started talking more often, and Hikaru was more than convinced he'd finally gone insane. 

Hikaru huffed softly as he jumped towards another tree. He was on his way to Sakura's grave a little away from the Forest of Death, and then he planned on heading towards Kakashi's grave. 

He hoped it would help him think, even a little bit. 

His feet were solid against the branch, the leaves whispering as he headed towards Sakura's gravesight, although technically it wasn't there. She had been buried underneath a cherry blossom tree, less than a kilometer away from Kakashi's own grave. 

He halted as he came within sight of the tree, brilliant pink and white blossoms bright against the harsh green of the forest. The rich brown of the wood reminded Hikaru of all the times Team Seven had sat there, and, eventually, only him and Sasuke.

Grief burnt a hole in his heart as he jumped down, tenderly touching his fingertips to the bark. His hand burned, but he kept it there. 

He'd almost forgotten about the memories. 

Sakura sat next to Naruto on a root of the tree they were underneath, humming a soft tune as she stared up. They'd been camping here for a few days after Tsunade's death, taking time to recover and heal. Kakashi's arm was still broken- Sakura didn't quite have enough chakra left until they would find their next stash of chakra pills. 

It was filled with grim silence. Hikaru found himself smiling, because even after all of that, even after everything they went through, there was still a slight chance. 

Hikaru sat down on the same root that Sakura had sat down on, his body aching from the trip here. He could maybe grab a sprig- plant it at the spot Sakura had said would be perfect for a cherry blossom tree. 

Hikaru hummed to fill the silence. 


Hikaru had gotten too used to it being silent. Around the cherry blossom tree, there was virtually no sound. Hikaru knew this because he had to go a long way to scout out animals, knowing for certain some of them didn't visit when it wasn't spring. 

Hikaru leaned against the root he'd picked to sit on, a petal falling onto his nose. It was starting to get a bit colder. 

"I think, that if I ever die, I want to be buried underneath this tree." Sakura said one night when Sasuke, Naruto, and her were on the run. They'd returned to bury Kakashi, taking one of their last breaks. 

"Hn. If I die- which won't ever happen- I'll be buried underneath a tree in the Uchiha Clan's park. It was next to my home." Sasuke murmured softly, staring up at the petals and sneezing when one brushed against his nose.

"Pfft. Sasuke, didn't you learn last time?" Hikaru laughed quietly. 

"Hn." Sasuke said nothing, which was his speak for oh-I-forgot. 

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