Excerpt: The Conqueror

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Author's note: This is the chapter from The General's Cause that deals with the backstory on why she came to Xi Xia. All this information is or will be addressed in the story, but for all those who want the prequel chapter, here it is. It just gives more context for the characters' initial motivations, not part of the main story of White Dove though.


"We won..."

The Conqueror fell to his knees, spitting out blood as he leaned on his sword for support. Up above his head, the sun beat down on the soldiers down below as the glare of the sunlight compounded to a high intensity because of the arid desert sand at their feet.

A long, tiresome battle had been fought with an enemy kingdom from the North. They just about decimated their troops before the Northern General had gotten the upper hand and driven them into a corner. As of this last battle, his kingdom now reached right up until neighboring allied tribe territory. There was good and bad news to go along with the outcome of the skirmish.

The good news was they won.

The bad news is if the Japanese pirates decided to attack them right now, their remaining troops would be completely wiped out

"Your Majesty," uttered a messenger as he kneeled before his ruler.

Waving his hand, he listened to his subject's tale, face paling when heard what he had to say.

"The Northern General is dead? Really?", he inquired.

It had only been a day since he last saw head or tail of the famed substitute who had replaced the executed one. While cognizant of the other General's mistake, this one proved exceptional and even rivaled the Eastern General in skill.

His death was about the worst news he could hear, especially so soon after the Southern General had died unjustly. A replacement for one general was hard to find, but two?

There would definitely be unrest in the court when he came back as a result.

"I would not jest, Sire," said the messenger with his eyes still lowered to the ground. The Conqueror had borrowed this messenger from the Eastern General, part of the special unit he wanted trained, and so far he had proven a swift runner like the General claimed.

"Get up," he commanded. Lifting the messenger by the sheer force left in his arms, he used the body for balance as he stood up himself.

"Send a message to the Oriental Masked King," he ordered, black cape flapping behind him as the winds picked up in speed.

"I need a word with him."

Shortly thereafter, a gleeful dictator wearing a mask on half his face made his way towards him on horse. High up on his ride, he chuckled, and said, "What a pitiable state you find yourself in...Conqueror."

Reining in his emotions, he replied, "I believe an arrangement is in order."

"Which deal? I do not think a treaty would be in my best interest, with your handling of the pirates being..."

"Enough. Meet at my palace. We shall talk further there."

The foreign ruler looked on with disinterest. "Gold won't placate me."

Smirking, the Conqueror asked, "So you're not interested in what I have to offer?"

The Oriental Masked King sneered, and remarked, "Consider me curious."

Slowly, the Conqueror and his forces left the area as the neighboring Western nation sovereign yelled, "I expect it to be worthwhile!"

Grimacing as the messenger carried him back to his horse once they were out of sight, the Conqueror muttered, "This one will be."

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