Pure Innocence

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"Move along, Lady."

A Palace Lady tipped her head, clearly confused as to the Youngest Bodyguard's meaning.

Placing a hand sideways in an attempt to ward off people from the Masked King's path, he teased, "If the King wanted a concubine, he would contact you first. Not the other way around."

"Why would I want to be his concubine?", asked the Palace Lady to the shock of those servants nearby. Never had there been such a bold woman to reject the King directly, even with his horrid appearance, even worse personality and beastly reputation.

The Youngest Twin Bodyguard scoffed. "Then why carry a basket of sweets?"

"For you, of course," she nonchalantly stated.

Drinking from his canteen, he spat out the water, now in shock himself.

"What?" Thinking over for a moment, he realized where she must have made an error.

"You mistook me for someone else. I am a twin, but not the man you are looking for," he assured her.

"You are not the playful gambler that puts his brother through so much trouble when he mouths off to the King?", she confirmed.

His jaw dropped, then he chuckled. "Who gave you that description? Totally inaccurate."

"So you did not come out of the tavern the other day..."

"If you say that to anyone, I will deny it," whispered the Bodyguard, grabbing her firmly by the arm.

"I like you," she abruptly confessed.

He stood back. Scratching his head, he found himself still puzzled over this interaction.

"Again, I am not my brother. He's the cool, aloof one with a sort-of mysterious vibe attached."

"Yet I still like you," she reasserted as she pressed a basket of sweets against his hands and skipped happily away.

This woman is certainly crazy, he mused.

"Stay away from the palace ladies."

"You almost gave me a heart attack!", yelled the Youngest Twin as he barraged his older Twin with punches to the side.

"The palace ladies are a class of their own, set between servant and noble. No one except the King may look at them. Rare that an outsider noble gain permission to marry one of them."

"Brother," he pouted. "Why on Earth would I do something as silly as covet one of them?"

"You certainly covet that which does not originally belong to you," stated his brother as he pilfered a money bag from his brother's pocket.

"Hey, I won that fair and square!"

"Gambling is illegal," asserted the Oldest Bodyguard even while stuffing the money bag into his brother's trousers once again.

"Thanks, Older Brother!" He went to embrace him out of elation, however faced with an unenthusiastic glare, he backed away instead.

"Promise me you will not gamble ever again," said his older brother.

"I promise," the younger brother said as he walked away in search of food before his brother changed his mind and punished him further.

The Oldest Twin of the pair sighed. Exiled nobles who served the King as bodyguards did not have the luxury to mess up. His brother should be more careful with his actions in the future, especially with the court dead set against their current ruler.

Meanwhile, the Princess Consort found herself in an archery range. Struggling to recall archery lessons, she felt hopeless. Even worse, her pride prevented her from asking the guards for help.

Already they eyed her warily; should she seek out help, the least they might do is laugh at her. Cursing her brother, the Conqueror, internally over his over protectiveness, she decided to finally ask when a figure suddenly appeared in her line of sight.

"Mind if I make a few pointers?"

The Fourth Prince stood there in the sunlight suited in all his glory in a soldier's outfit. Dazzling from head-to-toe, she almost swooned until she remembered he was a married man.

"Alright," she squeaked.

Nice going there, genius.

"Let's start with your shoulders. Your posture is slightly off. Relax your arms, widen your step and..." Gently, he placed the tips of his fingers on her shoulders, guiding her until she could position herself properly.

"Release," he murmured. The arrow sailed through the air, and hit the ground meters before the target.

"I missed," she said. Sighing, she rummaged through her hair in frustration.

How come archers in the Jurchen army made it look so easy?

"It takes time and effort. Practice more, and you'll get it," assured the Fourth Prince. Grinning, he picked a larger bow from the floor, tensed the bowstring, aimed and shot in a matter of seconds.

The arrow struck the target slightly to the left, still the target toppled over with the strength of that man.

Extolling his shot, he chastised her, attempting to soothe her wounded pride by saying it had just been a demonstration. Then, he handed her a shorter bow usually used on horseback and related to her stories of mounted archers.

"That is amazing," she replied, in awe at the wonders the Western Xia people could do.

"Perhaps my brother could show you one day. He is best at mounted archery," he related.

Hiding her grimace, she stated, "I could not bear to take his Majesty away from more important matters."

Sensing the sarcasm dripping in her tone, he said, "Please do not judge my brother too harshly...for far too long, he was shackled."


"A man...though I would not call him a good man, treated him as befits a dog during his formative years. That can leave a lasting scar on any man, especially one who grew up without motherly affection."

Unbeknownst to the pair, a seething Royal Concubine had come bringing a canteen of water for her parched husband. Spotting the Princess Consort, she hastened to find someone to vent her frustrations to.

However, an even greater opportunity presented itself when the Oriental Masked King crossed her path.

Bowing, she greeted him with her usual cordiality. "Good evening, your Majesty."

Meaning: Drop Dead, and it would be a pleasant evening to enjoy.

"What a pleasure for the Royal Concubine to grace me with your presence," he replied.

Meaning: Likewise.

Those two had an animosity known to all those who were unfortunate to cross their path at the same time. Their hostility only quelled for the sake of the Fourth Prince, clearly in love with the Royal Concubine and protective of his love being hurt.

Otherwise, she would be buried six feet under, preferably along with that snake of a relative, the Premier.

"If only the Fourth Prince could address you as well," she started.

Not interested in her opinion, he strode off only to be halted by her next words.

"He's occupied with other important matters, I'm afraid."

He turned around, walked straight up to her, and said,

"What important matters?"

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