Chapter 8

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Maki's quirk was that she could turn her hair into glass. She could control this by making it super sharp to act as blades, to make it heavy for it to act as hammers or to make it durable to make it as a shield. The Drawback though is if she uses it too much, the glass from her scalp will become really hot and her head starts burning. Her hair will grow back in 6 hours for it to be long enough to use it again.

Sendui's quirk can control the air molecules. He can make the air in certain areas much lighter or heavier depending on the situation, making it harder or easier to breathe for allies. He can hear up to 200 meters through the soundwaves of the wind and air. Good for scout and rescue. Drawbacks include that he will lose air from his lungs after using it to the limit. His body will also slow considerably when he is listening through the air. Which leaves him vulnerable to attack. Though he restarts back up again when he isn't listening to the air.

Sendui immediately started by making the air surrounding Izuku thinner, making it harder to breathe. Though he could just not breathe because he doesn't really need to breathe to survive. Maki followed up by strengthening her hair into dull blades and using them as knife tentacles while swishing them towards the weak points of a body. The heart, stomach, and head. It would seem too villainous, but with dulled blades the damage would only be a few broken ribs and a concussion. He did say not to hold back after all.

Izuku easily blocked the blade tentacles while moving with no effort even while he wasn't breathing. This continued on for the next 4 minutes, Maki trying and failing to bring him down with her blades, occasionally using hair shields to block from his attacks. Sendui kept increasing the precision and heaviness of the air. So now at the 5th minute, time was up and the 2 collapsed to the ground. Exhausted.

Izuku was still standing while not even out of breath. The 2 got up to do the quirkless sparring and Izuku called for the next pair to spar against him. "Hyugo and Nioshia, your 2 are up next. Like the least pair, give it your all, no holding back. Try not to cause any injuries to the bystanders or your partners."

"Yes Sir!"

Hyugo has blond hair with quite a blinding quirk. His quirk allows him to emit bright, hot light out of anywhere on his body. The light is brighter during darkness but during daylight, he can absorb the sunlight and re-energize himself. The drawbacks are that he gets bad sunburns that last a few days if he uses his quirk constantly for too long.

Nioshia has a unique quirk that is quite uncommon. His quirk is allowing people to enter dreams by just looking into his eyes. These dreams are either the worst or best memories in one's life. Nioshia can choose which one he wants. The victims are stuck in the dream state where their body is vulnerable. Unless Nioshia cancels the effect or they have too strong of a will to stay trapped.

This fight went faster than the first. Izuku kept his eyes closed from the risk of accidentally looking into Nioshia's eyes. Izuku could sense everything around him anyways so he didn't really need to see. Hyugo thought this was his chance before tripping and falling after Izuku had conveniently put out his foot right where his feet would come into contact with the floor.

Izuku pushed a pressure point on his neck to make him go limp before rushing Noshia who couldn't react as fast as he did the same thing to.

"Washiami, Akito. You're up."

This fight lasted a full 1 minute before Akito had accidentally made the earth split right under Washiami. Izuku had to go save the boy in the end by appearing in a flash right beside him and making the earth set back to normal. Izuku had commented about how to improve her quirk - Earth flow - and how to better control it after hard training.

Haru and Kotaro were up next. Both were paired up with good matching abilities. Haru could turn fully or only part of his body into a huge wolf. And Kotaro had the ability to enhance animals. Since was still a human he can't be controlled by Kotaro, but he can be enhanced. Plus pairing that with the trust the two had in each other and the fighting skills the Kotaro had mastered. They were quite a powerful force coming on together.

Still Izuku out did them by keeping up with their speed and strength. He easily had the most amount of power and stamina in all existence. So he was not fazed by the quick movement that the battle was going at. After a full 30 minutes had passed, Haru and Kotaro were knocked out cold from exhaustion.

The last pair was the one Izuku was really hoping to look forward to. Toshinori with One for All and Todoroki with his Hellflame.

"Todoroki and Yagi, you're up next. Do you want any time to discuss your methods of taking me down?"

Todoroki and Yagi looked at each other for a second before Todoroki spoke out. "We would like 5 minutes to discuss our methods."

Izuku nodded before walking over to Torino who by this time had already finished spring and was simply watching them converse about their quirks and training. The 2 talked about when Nana was coming to his office after school. Torino had already called her and she had set apart some time in her schedule. After all, they were going to be revealing that Izuku knows about the secret of One for All and All for One.

5 minutes passed and the two teenagers shouted that they were ready. "We're ready sensei!" Izuku noticed that by now all the students except for Todoroki and Yagi were gathering around looking at the 2. Still a safe distance away but close enough that they could see the details of the fight if they so looked at the right places. 

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