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Nivah Aurora was your regular girl next door

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Nivah Aurora was your regular girl next door. The girl who is a papa's princess and the girl your family will be proud of. She was always a free-spirited girl with wings of freedom to fly high and touch the sky.

Credit is given to the man that she ever loved and trusted with her life - her father. Her father made sure to be the wings of his birdie during the day and the claws that rest after the long day during the night. Nivah can proudly say that her old man has undoubtedly done all the duties of both a mother and a father.

Scratch that.

He gave her the love of both father and mother when he was in his grief of losing the lady love of his life.

Yes, Nivah had lost her mother during her birth. Due to the complication in her pregnancy, it had to be either the mother or the baby. Her mother went against all odds and she chose Nivah over herself.

Lavanya Mittal - Aurora was a woman of strong value and ethics. She was in an arranged marriage with Rajat Aurora. Though the couple had compatibility issues at first, later they couldn't help to fall hopelessly in love. Rajat was a highly imprudent man. This was something the mature Lavanya hated in him. Lavanya married Rajat to only win over him and make sure he was a better man. Being the stubborn woman she is she won over him. Something Rajat hated about Lavanya - her stubborn nature.

Gradually the two fell in love with both of their flaws and perfections. During all the chaos caused by the young couple in the family, Lavanya found out his amazing culinary skills especially the mouth-watering bakery goods. They sorted out their difference like mature adults and started their small Cafe in town.

Amidst all their love they were deprived of one major happiness - parenthood. Lavanya was a mild infertile due to which they were conceived after almost 5 years of trying to get pregnant. But when they got to about it both the families were over the moon. But the happiest were Rajat and Lavanya.

But the happiness didn't last long when Lavanya got to know about the complications in her pregnancy and the doctors asked her to abort the baby. She was devastated. Nevertheless, she wasn't a woman to give up without a fight. She won't give up even if she has to breathe her last it will be her child to win this war.

Rajat got the notice of this only in the 8th month. He was completely traumatized by the mere thought of living without Lavanya. Even during her labor period, he begged the doctors to save his wife if they have to choose. But Lavanya had an upper hand in the argument stating her will stubbornly.

In end after taking her baby girl in her hands, naming her Nivah, and taking a promise from Rajat to take of her she closed her eyes forever.

That was how Nivah Lavanya Aurora was born. Keeping his promise up Rajat became responsible for both his daughter and the cafe, the last remains of his late wife. The family had pressurized Rajat to no extent to marry again, but he was adamant to not let another women enter his home in the place of his wife.

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