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"I love you"

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"I love you"

As soon as Krishiv heard those words he was stunned and would be understated. He was thunderstruck. All his life he was running from this emotion and now his emotion was standing in front of him not to forget the rose in her hand.

As much as he wanted to respond it was like he was jinxed in a spell. She was beautiful, no doubt, but he wasn't made for love. He wasn't destined to do it. And all his memories came back running to his mind. His anger towards those emotions was revoked. He could barely contain them. He fisted his palms to control himself but then looking at those eyes his emotions settled down. And that surprised him and he didn't like them. The man who wouldn't depend on anyone was calmed by an unknown woman and he didn't like that.

Nivah was in an unsettled web uneasiness. She expected him to get alarmed but his eyes were depicting an unknown pain. She was prepared for his rejection.

Who would down straight say yes to a girl's proposal without even knowing her?

But she saw confusion, anger, and pain. Nevertheless, she still hoped for the best. She wouldn't just let her love go away with one rejection. Her love wasn't that weak. Her love was strong to even handle pain. She was the one who believed that even the broken parts of your heart would love them. She was the one who entered to mess knowing it, so there is no going back.

"Excuse me, Miss do you even know who I am," said Krishiv in a hard voice barely able to control his resentment toward her words.

Nivah gave an innocent and confused look, that said she didn't know who he was. Krishiv was so close to smiling but controlled himself.

Damn Krishiv control yourself. You can't be this hormonal. What has got your head, first that Nivah and now this unknown woman? Control.

"Sorry, by the way, what is your name, Mister. Wait I should introduce myself right," she said pointing the pointing finger towards herself and continued "I am Nivah, Nivah Lavanya Aurora," she completed.

Hearing that name alarmed Krishiv to another level. And a concern occurred in his head.

Is she the same Nivah that saved Barkha?

Amidst all this Krishiv was still able to keep a neutral face. And that face was not settling for Nivah. Krishiv was lost in his qualms of both the Nivahs.

Damn, I should have asked for that girl's picture.

Not having any more patience and energy to understand what was happening in Krishiv's head Nivah brought him back to reality.

"Mister, what is your name? I am not any rapist, psychopath, or serial killer that you are having those many doubts to just say your name. I promise you I am a very good girl, at least my father says. But he also says that I am a fireball and people shouldn't mess with my devil side. Except that I am a very well-mannered lady. Well also except for the fact that I talk a lot. I mean look even now I am going on talking and talking and you are standing still without even a word out of your mouth. Though it can be irritating in situations, it ok as long as you or anyone can live with it, " she blabbered altogether with so many expressions.

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