This is a fanfic about a mobile game named Duskwood! If you haven't played it already, I recommend you do so now, its funnn!~
This story is about our mysterious hacker Jake~ and our curious main character MC~
Hannah's already found and everything's...
I felt something, my hand was resting on it. Between sleep and wake I mindlessly stroked that 'something'. I felt what felt like fingers. It felt alot like a....hand. Wait a hand! My eyes instantly shot open. I slowly looked down, wide eyed to see a masculine looking hand resting on my waist, with my hands resting on it, the unfamiliar grey bedsheets not going unnoticed as well. My eyes grew even wider as I felt hot breath fan the the back of my neck and head. I froze as I came to the realization, my back was resting against a hard abdomen, well at least that's what it felt like. My heart was beating at an eerie pace as I laid there, wide eyed and in shock. I have to admit the position was extremely comfortable though. I closed my eyes and slowly turned around, afraid to see see who was laying behind me. Was it some random stranger, do I know them? I didn't really remember much from last night, what did I do... When I was fully turned facing what my back was one against, I opened my eyes. I gasped at the sight in front of me. A sexy looking male upper body was inches away from my face. I had to pull my head back a little to get a better view of it. It was beautifully sculpted with tattoos covering some parts of the chest and arm. I inhaled the scent of masculine cologne. I slowly looked up to see the face of the person with such a glorious looking body, a glorious looking body that felt strangely familiar, their hands still around my waist. My eyes felt like they were about to bulge out of their sockets when I saw the face of the person. A wave of relief flashed through me for a split second, replaced by shock. Jake.... I watched as he breathed in and out, even while sleeping he managed to took incredibly sexy.
As if sensing I was awake, he stretched widely before replacing his hands on my waist as he smiled, looking down at me. His eyes instantaneously widened in horror as his eyes made contact with mine, the smile slipping off his face. Oh what a pleasant sight to wake up to; someone, who probably looks like a madwoman, with deshelved hair and wide eyes staring into your soul. He shot up into a sitting position and before he knew it, he landed on the ground with a loud thud. I quickly sat up trying to hold in my laugh, but when I saw the look of complete horror on his face I burst into a fit of laughter, unable to hold it in any longer, causing him to laugh as well. I offered my hand, even though I knew I wouldn't be able to pull him up. Nevertheless he took it and held onto the bed as well as he pulled himself up. We chuckled. He sat on the edge of the bed observing me as I did him. I never knew he had tattoos, I never would've guessed, maybe it was because he always wore hoodies that covered them up, but now he was shirtless....
"Like what you see?" He grinned at me. It was then that I realized that I was staring at him. His body was a work of art. "You have tattoos." I stated. "Yes" he chuckled. "I have too" I smiled up at him. "Oh really? Where?" I brought my left knee up to my chest and pulled up the bottom of my jeans to show him a small sunflower on a stem tattoo I have right next to my ankle and then I turned around and pulled my hair to the front to show him a bigger one on my back with more intricate patterns and designs, he couldn't see the whole thing though I was wearing a top. I turned back around. "Niceee" he commented. "They're cute." I chucked at his comment. "I like yours too." We smiled at eachother. I glanced around me, now taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. This was probably Jake's room. It was about the same size as mine, slightly darker themed with shades of greys and black. There was a huge glass window that allowed natural lighting to come in. There were pictures and simple decors neatly organized in place. I liked it.
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