This is a fanfic about a mobile game named Duskwood! If you haven't played it already, I recommend you do so now, its funnn!~
This story is about our mysterious hacker Jake~ and our curious main character MC~
Hannah's already found and everything's...
It took about fifteen minutes for us to get there. MC seemed to have enjoyed the ride. She was staring out the window for almost the entire time. We arrived at a very insurmountable bar. I was quite impressed to be honest. 'Aurora' was written in big red glowing cursive letters over the glass entrance door. The bar was big and dark themed. I liked the whole vibe of it.
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(Visual representation of what Aurora looks like on the outside)
Lilly parked her car in the parking lot right next to the others. We got out and made our way towards the entrance. MC and Lilly were walking infront. I tried my best not to stare at MC's ass. Her curves were insanely perfect. I had no idea she was this sexy in real life. I walked up further and opened the door for them. As soon as I did so, electronic dance music made its way to my ears, along with loud laughter and chattering.
The inside of the bar was just as gorgeous as the outside. It was kinda hard to make out all the details as the bar was dimly lit. It looked very modern and classy, with shiny marbled floors and a slightly high ceiling. There were glowing lights all around, majority of it was red. It was impressive how beautifully designed behind the counter was, with a shiny marbled wall and glass circles in them allowing the customers to see the drinks on display. The counter top had that same shiny marbled design.
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(Visual representation of the inside of the Aurora bar)
The others informed us in the group chat that they were already here. We headed over to the counter where we spotted the them. "Dayum you people" Cleo squealed. "MC! You look hottt gurllll!" She commented getting up and pulling MC into a tight hug. We all chuckled. Cleo sounded kinda tipsy.
"Phil get your ass over here!" Jessy called. Was it just me or did they all sound tipsy. Phil came over. He seemed to have a good physique. He look the same as in his profile picture, with his hair in a ponytail and his tattoos. He had a lot of tattoos. It seemed like he had hundreds compared to mine.
"This is Jake" Jessy started off introducing us. He held out a hand which I firmly shook. "And this-" Phil cut her off continuing the sentence, "And this foxy woman over here must be MC" He said smirking widely. "The one and only." MC replied shaking a hand he offered. "I see the Duskwood celebrity finally decided to visit my bar, I'll still be looking forward to that autograph you promised." I hated how flirty his tone was. MC grinned at him. He was still holding her hand. Why was he even still holding her hand! "Eh hem." I cleared my throat breaking them out of the staring contest they were having.
"We need drinks!" Richy shouted out of the blue. How much did they even drink already. They were clearly tipsy. "What can I get you?" Phil asked everyone, but it seems as if he was only talking to MC. "I'll have whiskey thank you." Dan instantaneously answered. We giggled. "The girls will have mojito." Hannah said. "I'll have martini thanks." MC called out. I ordered negroni. After everyone ordered Phil brought us some refreshing looking drinks.
"To us!" Richy shouted. "Cheers!" MC yelled. We all clicked our glasses together and drank up. "Next round!" Thomas called out. We chatted, laughed and made jokes with eachother as we enjoyed the sense of freedom. We drank and drank and kept drinking. Everyone was way past tipsy after about ten more rounds. I guess they forgot they had to drive home, or they probably just didn't care. I don't think I've ever drank so much in my entire life before, but I could definitely handle it.
The girls even got up to dance, Lilly pulling MC along with them. I watched as her hips moved perfectly in time with the beats of the music, the deign on the side of her jeans capturing my attention. I saw Phil checking her out too, but I guess I couldn't stop him, she was very attractive.
"Wooooiiiii! Cheers Jake we did it!" MC plopped down onto the barstool next to me and threw an arm around my neck. I in return threw my hand back around her waist, not only to hug her back, but also to steady her from falling. "Cheers!" I clicked my against hers. I jumped a little when my hands connected with her heated skin. I forgot she was wearing a crop top.
"Phil!" She called out to the bartender. "What can I do for you love?" He asked smiling sweetly, a bit of an accent on the word love. He called her love! I slightly glowered at him but he was too busy staring at MC to notice. "Can I have two no three shots please!" She asked pouting cutely. "Sure! Anything for you dahling." He answered her again with a nickname, but with a slightly different accent when he said 'dahling'. I scowled, but it also went unnoticed. In no time he returned handing the shots over to MC. "One for you" she said sliding one to Phil "and one for you" she said sliding one in my direction, a silly smile plastered across her face. She took the next one. "Bottoms uppp!!!" We drank up. MC frantically shaked her head side to side, I'm guessing its from the burning alcohol. It was surprisingly strong.
It wasn't long before she got up to dance again. They all enjoyed themselves on the dance floor, dancing carefree to the rhythm of the electronic dance music. One by one the resumed to there previous sitting positions at the counter. I'm guessing they finally grew tired from all that dancing. "Are you guys ready to leave?" Thomas asked yawning. They nodded in agreement. "Phil! Pass me the bill please." Richy called out his face buried in his hands while he leaned on the countertop. After he paid the bills we all prepared to leave. Jessy waved her brother a goodbye and so did the others. We got up and MC held onto my arm and hoisted her foot up to fix her shoes.
We made our way through the door, then to the parking lot. MC, Lilly and I watched as the others took off. I offered to drive us back home, so I opened the door for Lilly and MC to go in the back and I took the drivers seat. The ride back to Lilly's house was slow and quiet. I decided not to rush it even though there was little to no cars on the road at this time. Better to be safe than sorry though. I glanced at the digital clock in the car, it was exactly 1am. I parked the car right in the driveway, not far from the entrance of the house. I opened the door for the girls once again and they got out, both on either side of me grasping my hands for balance. It was actually a good thing I could stand alcohol because if I was as drunk as they were I'm sure we would have all collapsed onto the ground by now. MC bent down and took her shoes off now walking bare feet with her heels in her hand, while Lilly on the other hand staggered.
She finally managed to unlock the door after searching for her keys and trying for like five minutes straight. We entered the house and Lilly let go of me holding onto the walls and furniture as she made her way up the stairs. "I'll be uh- I'll be up here if you need anything-" she she spoke yawning. "-just call me." She said motioning with her fingers pointing upwards. Before I could even respond she was already near the top of the stairs. MC let out a loud yawn and stretched making me chuckle. My eyelids were starting to feel heavy an MC looked like she would also fall asleep any minute. She dropped her heels onto the floor and we started up the stairs.
By the time we reached the top MC's arm was slinged around my neck, her eyes barely open. I looked at her and then at her door, debating on whether or not I should fully wake her to ask her for her keys. I decided not to, I don't think it would be of much help anyway, so I quickly felt for my keys in my pocket and opened the door to my bedroom. I brought MC in and shut the door behind us. I took my shoes off now realizing I still had them on and took MC straight to the bed. I sat her down. She groaned in frustration as she tried to take her jacket off but failed. I helped her out of it and laid her down, lifting her legs onto the bed. "You smell nice." She mumbled sleepily taking in a breath. I chuckled sofly at her. I stared at her sleeping form, she looked so adorable. After she was all tucked in, I yawned, took my hoodie off and plopped down onto the bed opposite MC, leaving a good amount of space between us. It wasn't long before I fell into deep slumber.
(AN) Heyyy!!! Finally finished with chapter three, I would've finished earlier if I hadn't accidentally deleted it😬so I had to start all over again. Anywho hope you enjoy! Vote and comment if you want. Have a nice day!!!