5~ Pictures

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Jake held the door open for me and we entered. As soon as we did, the smell of freshly baked pastries and coffee hit my nostrils. It smelled heavenly. I took a moment to take in the interior of the cafe. It was huge and very spacious, with white walls and beige tiles. The ceiling was also white with fancy chandeliers hanging from them. There were small shelves with little framed and decors sitting on them. At one corner of the ceiling there were lots of light bulbs hanging, emitting soft warm lighting. I liked the warm feeling the café gave off. It made me feel calm and relaxed. Jake and I walked to the counter to give our orders.

(Visual representation of the interior of Rainbow Café)

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(Visual representation of the interior of Rainbow Café)

As soon as we got there, a pretty, petite brunette with a lightly freckled face greeted us. "Hi, my name's Molly, welcome to Rainbow Café. Can I take your orders?" She said with a huge welcoming smile plastered across her face. I returned her warm ear to ear smile. We stared at the menu. For a long time. "We have a special treat for couples today, would you like to take a look?" She beamed at us as she noticed we couldn't decide what to buy. "Oh no- I- we-we're not a couple I smiled at her shyly. I could feel my cheeks warm up. Her mouth formed an O shape. " Oh, well you look cute together." She complimented. Jake chuckled lightly. "I'll have a frappuccino and a croissant, thank you." I told her. "And I'll just have hot black coffe, thanks." Jake smiled at her. "Okay great! Please have a seat, your orders will be ready in no time." I smiled and nodded at her. We sat in a far corner next to the huge glass windows and waited for our orders.

Jake was busy typing away on his phone so I just propped my elbow on the table and leaned my head in the palm of my hands and gazed outside, lost in thought watching at the slightly busy streets, enjoying the warmth of the café. I felt like sleeping. My eyelids started to feel heavy. Because of the warm atmosphere inside, I would quickly doze off. I was brought back to reality when Jake gently tapped my arm from across the table. I looked at him. He looked a little worried. "You okay?" He asked and I couldn't help but smile at him. "Yea why?" "I called your name for like five times and you didn't seem to notice." He stated. "Oh. Sorry I was just....thinking." I told him as I tried to stifle a yawn but with no avail. "I'm sorry, this café just makes me want to sleep." I stated shyly. The worry finally left his eyes and he chuckled. "I can see that." He smiled at me. Not too long after Molly showed up with our orders.

"A frappuccino and a croissant for you, and a hot black coffee for you." She smiled placing our orders in front of us. We smiled and thanked her. "And here's the bill." She placed it on the table. Jake inspected it for a second before pulling out some bills and paid for both of us and he also gave the friendly waiter a generous tip. She thanked us and walked away. "Thanks for paying." I smiled up at him. "No worries." I silently ate my croissant and frappuccino while Jake drank his black coffee. "Do you always have your coffee like that?" I questioned him curiously. "Yup. I like it like this. When I'm working it helps me focus too." He answered. "Oh. Are you not hungry?" I asked yet another question. "Nope." He lightly chucked. We finished our meals and chatted for a long while. "Do you wanna go somewhere?" I asked him. "Hm like where?" He questioned. "Do you?" I asked again. He looked at me suspiciously before he nodded. "Ok." I smiled widely before getting up and pulling him along with me. I waved good bye to Molly who smiled at us as we left. I like her. She seems very friendly. She seems like someone I would get along well with.

A Duskwood Fanfiction (Jake x MC)Where stories live. Discover now