This is a fanfic about a mobile game named Duskwood! If you haven't played it already, I recommend you do so now, its funnn!~
This story is about our mysterious hacker Jake~ and our curious main character MC~
Hannah's already found and everything's...
After a long-ass shower of intense scrubbing, washing, and rinsing, I finally stepped out of the bathroom, going straight to the closet to pick an outfit. When I was packing for my trip to Duskwood, I didn't know exactly what to pack for, so, I just packed clothes appropriate for every occasion. I didn't exactly pack a specific picnic outfit, but I did pack dresses that were picnic appropriate. I picked out a cute mini cottage core dress with brown floral patters, paired with simple white sneakers, a cute side bag, hoop earrings, a necklace and a sunglasses.
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(MC's outfit)
I did natural makep with nude lips. As for my hair, I braided it into two messy, fluffy duch braids. Pieces of my highlighted hair framed my facePlacing the sunglasses on my head, I assessed myself in the mirror, I looked even cuter than I expected, the light makeup and lipstick I added went nicely with my outfit. The dress hugged my body perfectly. Just the way I wanted it to. I had to admit my legs looked fabulous in this dress. I took a few mirror pics that came out flatteringly gorgeous with the streaks of sunlight that came through the curtains. Deciding it was time to leave, I gave myself one last glance in the mirror before heading for the door. I stepped out, locking it and made my way downstairs.
Lilly and Jake were in the kitchen. Lilly, in a cute baby blue checkered sundress, white sneakers and shoulder length wavy blond hair looked gorgeous as always and Jake... So he does own other clothes besides hoodies and tees. He looked... I had never seen him dressed like this before. He was always in hoodies and t-shirts and joggers and jeans- But now, he was clad in a white floral patterned shirt and khaki pants that stopped above his knees and white running sneakers. His first two buttons were undone and a pair of sunglasses were hooked on it. His hair, raked back as usual, a few strands falling on his forehead, made him look very masculine and sexy along with the glimpse of smooth muscular chest on display. His tattoos peeked out. A frown etched across his beautiful face and eyebows knitted together, he stood leaning in the doorway arms folded as he stared intensely at a spot on the kitchen counter for some reason. He was so effortlessly gorgeous.
I walked farther into the kitchen and greeted them. "Hey you two. Any words from the others yet?" Lilly, who was on her phone glanced up at me and smiled. "Well, well look at you." She held my hand assessing my outfit, tuning me from side to side before spinning me to assess my entire frame. "You look so cuteeee!" She shrieked. "Doesn't she look cute Jake?" She asked glancing at Jake. My eyes widened at her question and I risked a slight glance at Jake, our eyes unintentionally meeting. But once it met, I couldn't look away. His dark gaze held mine. He cleared his throat, "Very." He said. "You don't look too bad yourself" I told him gesturing to his outfit. He smiled at me. Your're so damn prettyy!" Lilly shrieked, examining my braids. I laughed, shaking my head. "Says the goddess herself." I said, turning to her. "Look at you. Richy'll have a hard time keeping his hands to himself." Lilly's blush spread all the way to her ears and down her neck. She smiled shyly and lowered her head.
Just then the doorbell rang. "Oh, right. The others texted. They're here. Let's go." Lilly told me as she went to open the door. Jake eyed me, giving me a once over. Then a twice. Then one more time, his gaze lingering on my legs a little longer before his gaze finally swept over my face. "See something you like?" I couldn't help the tease that left my mouth. He scratched his neck looking away before finding my eyes again. "I do actually. You just look nice...really nice. It's not that you don't look nice all the time, you do. But you look extra nice now...Not used to seeing you in a dress. It looks different. Not in a bad way of course. In a good way. It definitely suits you. He told me, looking all bashful and sweet. I could hug him and smother him in kisses right now. Oh. How he can manage to look so hot yet be so freaking sweet at the same time? I do not know. I grinned at him, stepping closer. " I could say the same about you. Not used to seeing you in a shirt, this," I said gesturing to his attire "It looks different. Not in a bad way of course," I said, mocking him. "In a good way. It definitely suits you." I said, feinging mock innocence. He rolled his eyes at me even though a playful smile was plastered across his face. I laughed at that and his smile seemed to grow wider. We aren't flirting. Are we?
He followed my every movement with his eyes as I reached behind him. "MC wha-" he started but stopped as the picnic basket I was reaching for came into view. "Hm?" He stood straight from his leaning position and now we were only inches away. He leaned down, his face inches from mine as he whispered, "I'll take this." His proximity and scent flooded my sences making me flustered. It took me a moment to realize what he was talking about. Only when he held the handle of the basket, his fingers brushing against mine and lingering there, did I realize he was talking about the picnic basket. The one I was holding. "MC?" He called. "Hm?" I answered. He tilted his head, looking at me with an amused expression. "The picnic basket." He said, tilting his head towards it. "Oh, right!" I pulled my hand away as if the basket was suddenly on fire. "Yea. The picnic basket. Sorry." I fixed my hair and wiped my palms on my dress for literally no reason. "The others are waiting. We should- we should probably get going." I told him, pointing over my shoulder. He looked at me for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face, before he finally nodded. I started walking.
He grabbed my hand, halting me, before spinning me around. Placing a hand on my lower back, he steered me in the opposite direction. "What are you doing?" I asked. The way his huge hand spread across my lower back did fluttery things to my stomach. "The door's this way." He said, pointing forward. I flushed, a bright red I'm sure. "Right. Yea, I knew that." He glanced at me. "Sure you did." He told me, a corner of his mouth tilting upwards. Was his eyes always that dark? Why on earth am I being so weird? And clumsy. He's too distracting. Especially when he's close. And touching me. Like right now.
I was just about to open the door, but it swung open, nearly hitting me in the face. Jake pulled me back right into him as Lilly came through the door. "There you are! I was just coming to get yo- oh." She raised her eyebrows, grinning down at my belly? I looked down. Oh. Jakes hand. On my tummy. His long fingers splayed over it. "Don't look so happy," he said in a stern voice. "That door nearly hit MC in the face." He told her, glaring daggers at the door which made me want to burst out laughing. "Oh! I'm so sorry MC!" She said, looking concerned. "Its fine, really. I didn't even get hurt." I told her nonchalantly. I felt Jake's eyes on me, so I looked up. "Thanks." I told him and he nodded. "Oh well thank God you didn't, let's go." She held the door open for us but none of us moved. "Guys?" She called. I looked at her, then down to my belly. She chuckled. "Jake, I don't think we'll ever make it to the picnic if you plan to hold MC there all day." As if now realising he was still holding me, he quickly let go. "Sorry." I just nodded at him while we all made our way outside.
"Finally! What took you two so long?" Dan cried exasperatedly, like the drama queen he is. I rolled my eyes. "Hello to you too Dan." He grinned his signature mischievous grin. I greeted the others and we were on our way. The guys took the baskets while the girls led the way. We walked along the same road Jake and I walked. I glanced at him, rembering our little trip here and I- oh. He seemed to be deep in thoughts, his head slightly down. His eyebrows were knitted together and his lips were pursed. Was something bothering him?
•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•° (AN) I finally updated! Im so sorry I took so long, I literally have no proper excuse, I was just experiencing MAJOR writers block and I just didn't feel motivated, but thanks to those of you who are voting and commenting, that really motivates me. Anywho here's a chapter for yallz! I hope you people enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it! Vote and comment if you want 💕💕💕
By the way... did anyone tell you how cute you look today? Ur gorgeouzzz ilyyyy 😚❤❤❤