Quick A/N: Regular text is jhuss regular text
Bold means thoughts
"Means conversation"
Jutsu's!!! BOOM !!! !!! BOOM !!! "What the hell!?!" yelled a team of anbu that were traing. One second they were all traing peacefully then their covered in glitter and paint. " Where did it even come from?" a snake masked woman asked, covered head to toe in blue and yellow paint with glitter falling from her purple hair as she shook her head. "No clue. No one should know about this place. No one comes here unless its us or Dog's team." stated what looked to be a teen in a weasle mask.
'Hmm interesting' "Whoever the culprit is has to be the same one painting the Hokage Monument. Fan out and search for them. This ends today. I want them found. Meet back here in 30." said a boar masked anbu, his mask was covered in pink and blue paint and his clothes yellow and a glittery blue.
Suppressing a laugh, our culprit hid in a tree to the left of their private traing ground where he had perfect view of them while still being hidden. With his chakra concealed and quite well for someone his age, you could say he was completely invisible.
Our culprit was meant to just watch like he always does, but had got bored after memorizing almost every move used and decided to pull his biggest stunt yet. He knew it was risky, but to him that's what made it fun. As long as a grey gravity defying haired, dog masked anbu never spotted him or catch wind to what he was doing he was fine.
(Naruto's Pov)
As I hid in the tree, watching the boar mask giving commands and dismissing teams, I couldn't help but chuckle as the sun beamed brightly on them making the glitter sparkle and the paint dry faster. 'Welp I'm in trouble if I get caught' I watched as the last team was dispatched and dropped from the tree and taking my phone out to check the time and the video of their reaction. Some jumped and looked ready for a fight, some seemed surprised, and then theirs boar mask who look so mad that smoke was coming out his nose."Ma ma I did better than I expected to do on this one. Their reactions behind the masks would have been better though." 'Hmm I should go before tou-san finds out' Chuckling as I looked around the paint splattered training ground, I turned to leave only to bump into someone. "You're quite the prankster little one." the voice said from in front me. 'Shit shit shit just play it cool Hatake' I looked up to see the weasel masked anbu and gave him an eye smile. Not that he would see it since my hair covers my eyes and I wear a mask and have my tou-sans hoodie on which looks like a dress on me.
" Eh I'm not bad. Must admit though, not my best work." I say with a shrug of my shoulders and a voice full of amusement before continuing, " I could've done better, but I also could've done a hell of a lot worse. As much as I enjoyed your flattery Weasel-san, I must be on my way before my old man has my head. Jā ne. " I finish with a two finger salute and take off into the trees. Making the mistake of looking back, I spot Weasel, Snake, and worse of all Boar, hot on his tail. 'Shit that sneaky weasel planned this'
Breaking out of his thoughts, he ran faster than before. "Get back here you annoying runt!!" Boar mask yelled. ' Jeesh, I know I'm small for my age but annoying runt?! Really?' I thought to myself before making a hard turn. I'm 6 years old and still get mistaken for a 4 year old because how small I am. But I'm as smart as a Nara and I believe myself to be quite handsome. Not to mention all my tou-sans lady friends call me quite the charmer. Though not many know my name or what I look like and no not because I wear a mask and a oversized hoodie, but because my tou-san doesn't let me out the house.
I don't know why I'm not aloud to leave but I think it has something to do with the mother I never knew. I've seen pictures of her and heard stories about her, the lady who lives below us practically raised her. I call her Ms. Ann. She's a Nara who doesn't live with her clan because she likes her freedom. She's taught me a lot and gives me old scrolls. We look alike and act alike. My mom was a prankster, always in the forest, learning something, and goofing off. We both have unique eye colors, hers being blue but when the sun hits them they seem violet.
Mine seeming to be a mix between blue and silver and when the sun hits them they become a luscious lavender. We both have blond hair, though mine has this one grey streak in it, and we're short. Anyway I'm not even supposed to be here right now but he's on a mission so hopefully I can get to the library and get more scrolls and books then go see Ms. Ann. 'Ok this is getting boring time to lose these dweebs' Jumping down from the tree, I threw three smoke bombs onto the ground and made my escape into the forest of death where no one but me and my parents were brave enough to enter.
I made my way to my favorite spot. A abandoned traing ground near a crystal blue lake surrounded by wildflowers. Only today, a blond hair boy with red streaks and sun kissed skin was training fiercely. I quickly hid behind a tree terrified of being seen. I've never met anyone my age let alone had a conversation. Freaking out I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for him to leave.
After a moment, I couldn't hear the boys harsh punches or kicks anymore. Peeking back at the training ground, I watched him sit down and wipe sweat from his brow. "You can come out now. It's not like I'll hurt you." The boy spoke looking towards me. I began to panic and hesitated on making my next move.
And done okayyyy ppls I hope you enjoyed this chapter so far and I hope yall have a great day/night.

Like Father Like Son- Naruto Hatake
FanfictionSo this is my very first story please no hate 😅. Sorry for any mistakes and of course I DO NOT OWN NARUTO What if Naruto was a Hatake?? What if the nine tail never attacked and Minato and Kushina were alive with their twin sons?? What if Naruto wa...