Quick A/N: Regular text is jhuss regular text
Bold means thoughts
"This means conversation"
|Means text|
{Means phone call}(Kakashi POV)
As we walked home, I couldn't help but wonder. 'The way they fought. Were they already trained. Karma seems to get lost in his bloodlust but snaps out of it. And what was that creature? How can he use black lightning?' I was brought out of my thoughts by my former teammate. "Huh? Sorry I was lost in thought. What was that Obito?" I asked with an eye smile and head tilt. "Tch, we're here bakashi. And I have a few questions for you so hurry it up."
Before I could respond I heard a growl and felt Naru shift in my arm. "Can you shut up. I wouldn't be against beating you again.""Wãhhh look otõto! Puppy dogs up let's go clean him." "Karma-nii your way too young to be this perverted! Run Naru run!" Before I could register what was happening I was being shoved backwards and fell into Iruka. Apologizing swiftly I looked back towards the three boys and saw that Naruto had the eldest twin in a chole hold while the youngest looked conflicted between helping his brother or cheering his best friend on. In the end, he didn't have to choose. Naru let go of the red head twin looking uneasy and began to sway on his feet. I moved quickly and swept him up into my arms holding him close to my chest. Iruka rushed to my side and looked dawn at my pup. "He's burning up is there a room and shower I can use please sensei?" I asked with a shakey voice as I held Naru close and looked at the man I consider a father. Minato sensei nodded and waved everyone into the house. 'Oh pup please be alright. Please please be alright.'
[Meanwhile in Narutos mindscape]
(Narutos POV)'Ugh my head.' I slowly start to open my eyes readying myself for light to blind me only to be left in the dark laying on what felt like stone. 'Huh? Where am I? Wasn't i just with the twins and tou-san?' I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness while leaning on the stone cold wall next to me, I began to scan my surroundings as I stood slowly on shakey legs. Whimpering a little at the relentless pounding in my head, I noticed in the distance there was an opening where lightshined. After two attempts of trying to walk without the help of the wall, I slowly made my way towards the the opening of what seemed to be a cave. As my eyes readjusted to the light, I noticed I was in a gorgeous forest. 'I'm definitely along way from home. This place is gorgeous.' As I took in my surroundings, I slowly made my way towards the sound of running water. Passing beautiful wildflowers and little animals running around, I pushed aside a few bushes and gasped at the beautiful crystal blue waterfall in front of me. But that wasn't all that caught my attention. It was the beautiful white wolf I've ever seen not to mention the wolf had multiple tails swishing behind it while it looked down into the water. As if it sensed me looking, it looked directly at me and that's when it struck me, I felt no fear of the wolf. I felt drawn to it. The gorgeous multi tailed wolf rose from the stone it laid upon and headed straight for me. Almost like I was in a trance, I made my way to meet the wolf halfway.
"Hello pup." I heard a soft voice say inside my head. I looked around trying to see who spoke but no one else was around. I looked back up at the wolf and tilted my head before speaking. "O-ohaiyo? Was it you who spoke to me? Do you know where I am? Is my tou-san here somewhere too?" I quickly noticed I was rambling and became embarrassed and looked down only to look up at the wolf again when I heard giggling. "At ease pup I mean you no harm. My name is Tenshi and yes I am the one who spoke. I'm one of the last ten tailed wolves alive. And that up there is Akùma, another ten tailed wolf. One you might remember as well." I looked up and to my right and saw the wolf from the forest of death only it looked bigger and had ten tails. "Hey, you're the wolf that bit me. That really hurt by the way." I pouted up at him and crossed my arms. I studied his new appearance, Akùma is a big white and black wolf with heterochromia eyes. His left was orange and black with two scars over it and his left eye was blue. All in all he was a very handsome wolf. "My apologies kabu, I was being hunted and thought you were the enemy." I looked at Akùma and eye smiled. "Its ok no harm done. You are quite handsome Akù-kun and Tenshi-chan you're very gorgeous." They both looked shocked and began to chuckle and thank me.

Like Father Like Son- Naruto Hatake
FanfictionSo this is my very first story please no hate 😅. Sorry for any mistakes and of course I DO NOT OWN NARUTO What if Naruto was a Hatake?? What if the nine tail never attacked and Minato and Kushina were alive with their twin sons?? What if Naruto wa...