~Friends & Frenemies~

365 16 2

Quick A/N: Regular text is jhuss regular text
Bold means thoughts
"This means conversation"
|Means text|
{Means phone call}

"PUP GET UP WE'RE GONNA BE LATE, AND IF WE'RE LATE ON YOUR FIRST DAY IRUKA WILL KILL ME!" Kakashi yelled as he walked into his son's room only to see him already dressed and putting his weapons pouch on his hip. "Jeez tou-san, no need to yell. I've been up since 4am because of the nerves. I'm ok now. All good. Maybe. I think. I dont really know. Besides I set your alarm two hours early so it's really only 6:23. I knew you'd sleep in. Sorry not sorry. But do you think I look ok? Should I treat papa the same as I treat him like I do at home or like a teacher? Wait how do you even treat a teacher? Is there som kind of conduct I'm supposed to know? Wait am I rambling? I'm rambling aren't I? Sorry." Naruto said while pacing back and forth, making his father chuckle and shake his head. "Má má Naru. It's ok to be nervous. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Everything will be ok. I'll be here ok. Let's go pup before we actually are late." Kakashi eye smiled as he finished and pet his sons head and guided him out of his room. Kakashi couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride as he looked down at his mini me. I really did make a miniature version of myself, how odd. As the two walked out of the front door, they both immediately felt a presence. "Obito, you're up early."

"Well goodmorning to you to Bakashi. I'll have you know, Im not here for you, i just couldn't miss my precious nephew's first day of the Academy!" Obito smiled and looked down at Naruto who gave him the same bored look Kakashi was giving him making his smile drop a little. "Since when was I your nephew? We aren't even related. We've known each other for what? Three months? The first day we meet I nearly killed you remember? You're practically a stranger to me." Naruto said as he folded his arms and leaned against his fathers leg while giving Obito an unimpressed look. "Family isn't just blood kiddo and as your fathers best friend I'm automatically considered his brother therefore, your uncle." Obito stated with a proud smile only for it to fall when he heard Naruto scoff and felt as he brushed past him. "Well "uNcLe" we dont want me to be late now do we? So we might want to hurry or papa will have a lot to say to you and tou-san." Naruto said as he gave an innocent eye smile and continued to walk. Kakashi and Obito shared a frightened look before rushing to catch up to him.

(Naruto's POV)

The walk to Academy didn't really seem to take long, especially watching as tou-san and Obito bantered. It was extremely interesting even though I didn't understand some of the things they were talking about. They kinda do act like siblings. Though I have only been around the twins so I dont have much of an example on the sibling thing. "Oi! Naru-chan! You in there?" I'm suddenly brought out of my thought by said siblings standing in front of me. Speak of the devils and they shall appear I suppose. I think before greeting the both of them. "Oh it's you two. Ohaiyo. When did you guys get here?" Before they could answer I sensed a bunch of eyes on me causing me to look around. Huh!?! I'm really here already?! How long was I lost in thought?! Before I could suppress it, a whimper was released. I threw myself into whoever was closer and clung on tightly while squeezing my eyes shut. I began to notice my body was shaking violently which then caused me to notice how hard my heart was beating in my chest. I felt my throat tighten and tears escape my closed eyes. From a distance I could faintly hear my name being called but couldn't find it in myself to open my eyes and look for it. Whoever I was clinging to began to shift causing my breathing to speed up as my grip on them tightened even more. Please..I cant..dont leave me..please. Those words kept repeating over and over in my head, only to fade when I was suddenly swooped up into a unfamiliar yet comforting embrace. A hand gently rubbing up and down my back and a faint voice washing all the fear and uneasiness away. As I began to regain control over my senses, the persons scent began to become clear causing me to relax even more causing my eyes to open slightly and my body to become almost limp in their hold. "I'm right here kid. Everything's ok. There's nothing to fear. That's it, slow, even breaths. You're doing well." The unfamiliar yet familar soothing voice whispered to me as I finally calmed down and slowly pulled away only to lock eyes with pretty onyx eyes. The teenager who held me had raven black shoulder length hair and had what looked to be stress lines around his nose and was giving me a gentle smile and wore an ANBU uniform.

"Hello there little one. Are you alright?" The stranger spoke softly as he continued to look me in my eyes as if he was searching for any signs of uneasiness. I couldn't really bring myself to speak, as I was too stunned that, not only am I being held by a complete stranger while at ease with him, but said stranger is breathtakingly handsome, so I nodded while still looking at him in shock and in awe. I couldn't look away. His eyes were hypnotizing and the pull and chakra i'm currently feeling from him feels familiar but unfamiliar at the same time. Then it hit me. Weasle. The Uchiha. I was brought out of this thought by a deep chuckle from the Uchiha teenager which caused me to tilt my head. "You spoke out loud little one, but yes you are correct. My name is Itachi Uchiha. It is nice to formally meet you out of mask little Shadow." I couldn't stop the smirk that grew on my face as he called me by my prankster name. "Wah so cool! The famous Uchiha prodigy remembers me! Since we're being formal, my name is Naruto Hatake. Pleasure to meet you as well. Can you set me down now please?" I said while giving him an eye smile and hearing him chuckle once more. Once I'm set back on the ground, I notice a miniature version of Itachi standing next to him. Before I could even get a real thought out, I'm pulled into a bone crushing embrace. "O-oi! Aunt Shina! Ca-cant breath!" I attempted to tell her which she either didnt hear or ignored as she continued to fuss over me. "Naru-chan are you alright?! Oh you poor baby. I TOLD YOU HE WASN'T READY! OH MY POOR BABY!" She wailed as she twisted my head from side to side and pressed her hand on my head. "Um Kushina-san his my baby not your-!" Everyone watched as aunt Shina froze and her hair began to float around her. Woah. Is that a technique! I wanna learn it! I was broken out of my thoughts when Aunt Shina started to speak."What was that Kakashi? I dont think I heard you correctly." She said with her eyes closed and a smile as she slowly walked up to him. "Ha ha nothing Kushina-san, just that we dont want the boys to be late is all." I couldnt help but giggle behind my mask as I watched tou-san nervously scratch the back of his neck while looking at Uncle Minato for help or support. "Oh my Kami you're right!! Ok boys listen up!" The twins immediately stood in front of Aunt Shina and took in every word that left her mouth. "I need you two to remember what we talked about last night. Look out for each other and little Naru, behave, help each other but continue to challenge each other." She kept going but I was pulled out of the conversation by tou-san picking me up. "You ok pup? Do you want to wait or give today a try?" I nodded my head before speaking. "I'm alright tou-san, I just have to get used to being seen." Tou-san sighed and nodded before speaking again. "I'm proud of you pup. Continue to be brave and do your best ok. Be good and remember if you need anything ask Papa or the twins. If you need me, I promise to come running." He said as he sat me down & ruffled my hair causing me to groan & playfully swat at his hand. "I'll do my best tou-san." I gave him an eye-smile and turned to the twins who nodded at me and led me to da entrance. Well Academy, here I come.

. It's been awhile hasn't it. Apologies guys i promise i haven't abandoned this book. If anything, I'm jhuss getting started. Hope you like this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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