Quick A/N: Regular text is jhuss regular text
Bold means thoughts
"This means conversation(3rd person Pov)
The adults sat in the kitchen at the island table catching up on what was happening in their lives. "He looks so much like her dattébane. The height, the hair with the exception of the grey streak, the eyes especially the eyes. Those rare eyes, no one else in their clan has eyes as beautiful and breathtaking as his not even A'keylah's eyes were that beautiful. Your boy is definitely one of a kind Kakashi." Kushina gushed and praised to Kakashi as they had gotten on the topic of their boys.Kakashi knew Naruto would unlock some unique abilities with those eyes just like his mother had. Knowing this scared him but also brought a sense of peace to him. Not only did Kakashi know about the dangers it brought but it also made the boy a big target. A'keylah told him how his eyes could be both a gift and curse all wrapped in one. Like the Uchiha clan, they can become obsessed with power or gravely devoted to revenge, but unlike the Uchiha's they can be talked down or brought back by the right person. Lost in thought Kakashi almost missed Minato's question.
"Why haven't we seen or even heard mentions of him til now? What's he like?" Kakashi took his time answering this question, not because he didn't want them to know, but because he honestly didn't know. He was almost never home and when he was he was asleep. "Well because of his eyes I keep him out of sight and your guess is better than mine. I-i don't really know what he's like. I'm rarely ever home. Goddamnit I'm a terrible father. Since her death I've thrown myself into my work. Always taking long missions. Sensei, Kushina, please tell me what to do. I know close to nothing about my own son. I don't even know is favorite color." Kakashi was panicking, he had broken his promise to A'keylah and neglected his own son.
"It's never to late to start again Kakashi. Instead of locking him away from the danger, train him to beat it or at least be able to defend himself. Not that I think he needs it, he's out smarted and run even the fastet and smartest of anbu. He is quiet intelligent and stealthy. I was going to ask if you train him but I know the answer already. Boar told me that he's as fast as lightning, sometimes looking as if he vanishes only leaving behind a shadow. That's why they call him Shaow. Not only is his speed incredible, but his fighting style as well. Weasle was the one who told me of it. He seems to have been watching different clans and anbu units train and has combined them making him unpredictable.
Weasle said he had to treat him as if he were an enemy and use his Sharingan before getting the upper hand until Naruto stopped and thanked him for what he called a 'worthy spar'. Knowing who weasle is. I am very impressed with little Naruto."
To say Kakashi was shocked would be an understatement. He was beyond proud of his pup and looking at Kushina you could see how impressed she was with him as well. After talking more and getting very useful advice, the adults thought it was time to check on their boys.
( Kakashi's Pov )
As we peeked our heads into the living room, we were greeted by the sound of laughter and small threats. I watched as my pup chased the oldest twin with a pillow yelling small threats as the youngest twin laid on the ground watching and laughing." Stop running you overgrown jalopeño! I'll make it a quick, soundless, and painless death! Wolf's honor!" My little Naru yelled as he launched himself at the older boy, causing them to hit the ground. They laughed and then the younger brother asked, "Oh yeah I've been meaning to ask, why do you say wolf's honor so much pup pup?" I smiled at the nickname as my son helped the older twin up.
"Because I've been running with a pack a wolves I met in th Forest of Death since I was 4. For some reason I can speak to them and the said they felt a connection to me so I became part of the pack. They live near a waterfall but that's all I'm aloud to tell you." My eyes widened at hearing him say he could speak to animals.
Damnit. He has unlocked some abilities. I need to talk to him and train him. As if he sensed himself being watched, Naru pulled both twins behind him protectively, as he glared and growled under a mask that looked a lot like a mini version of mine. I couldn't help but chuckle and shake my head, raising my hands up to show him I surrender. "Nē, easy there puppy dog, can't have you attacking the parentals now can we? Calm down or I'll put you on a leash." I watched as my son scoffed and rolled his eyes facing the older twin.
"You ever threaten to leash me again I'll rip your throat out with my teeth." After his threat he gave the older twin a pat on the shoulder and an eye-smile before turning back to us looking as innocent as can be. I couldn't help but chuckle at him and hold my arms out. He look overly excited and took off running towards me, jumping into my open arms and hugging me tight.
"Okaerinasai otou-san! I've missed you." I looked at my precious boy and eye-smiled, "I've missed you too pup. I'm back now sorry it took so long but I'm back." He looked at me with such a loving gaze eye-smiled back. I put him down making a new promise to myself, A'keylah, and Naru. I promise to love protect, care for, value, teach, and cherish our boy A'keylah. "Let's go pup, we have things to discuss. And you need a bath, you've got dirt all in your hair." He giggled and nodded before turning to the twins.
"Remember what I told you cub, and you have my number so we can keep in touch." Naru said to the younger brother who hugged him after nodding his head. I watched as he turned to the older brother who smirked, "Til next time puppy dog. I know you'll miss me but don't cause to much trouble to get my attention." I watched him wink at Naru who rolled his eyes and slapped the back of boys head, " You are so full of shit, the toilet’s jealous lion cub. And let's be honest, we both know I was trouble before I even knew who you were let alone existed. You just don't want to admit you'll actually miss me. Oh and I'd hate to disappoint but you aren't exactly my type." I watched as Naru slapped his cheek twice and turn back to the younger brother. "You cub text me okay. Jã né." He says before returning to my side and turning to Minato and Kushina.
" Thank you for letting me into your home. It's beautiful by the way. And it was nice seeing you both again and actually being able to speak to you." He smiled (eye-smiled) to Minato and Kushina. "Again? What do you mean little one?" Kushina asked confused. "Well the last time I've seen the two of you was when I was born. I saw my mom as well. I read in a book that Mrs. Ann gave me, apparently it's called photographic memory. Meaning even if I try I can never forget what I hear or see." I look at Minato we share a knowing look.
He was born with abilities. He hasn't unlocked anything yet. And that's what frightens me the most. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a small hand grabbing mine. I look down to see Naru holding my hand and looking tired. He must have felt me looking because he looked up and gave me a tilted head eye-smile. I picked I'm up and put him on my back before saying my goodbyes and good night's and leaving. I felt my pup fall limp on my back and turned to see him fast asleep. Well looks like our talk will have to wait til morning. Naruto, I will be a better father to you, I promise.
And that's the end of that chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed that. Its currently 7:21am and I havent been asleep yet so I'll be back later on today to continue. I hope yall have a great day/night/afternoon.

Like Father Like Son- Naruto Hatake
FanfictionSo this is my very first story please no hate 😅. Sorry for any mistakes and of course I DO NOT OWN NARUTO What if Naruto was a Hatake?? What if the nine tail never attacked and Minato and Kushina were alive with their twin sons?? What if Naruto wa...