~The Meeting pt 2~

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Quick A/N: Regular text is jhuss regular text
Bold means thoughts
"This means conversation

                        (Menma's Pov)
We both took off, him in front leading us out of the forest since he knew it better. We ran across rooftops to get to our location faster. We reached my backyard in record time. As I was about to thank him, he was tackled to the ground by two anbu ninjas. "Hey!! What's your problem! Let em go now!" I yelled as they dragged him up to his feet.
                         (Karma's Pov)
My otõto had been missing all day. Tou-san and me went into the village to ask around only to find out he had been there and even spoke for a few minutes before leaving. I texted him and called him multiple times getting no response back. My parents had the same results. We were now at tou-sans office where anbu teams gathered. One team was covered in glitter and paint and I couldn't help but laugh my ass off after they explained how they'd been bested by the village prankster.

I had a new found respect for the village prankster. He's never been caught and no one knows what he looks like. Everyone calls him a shadow because that's the only thing you see after he disappears. " I may know who this prankster is, but if you find him no harm is to come to him or you answer to me. You bring him  straight to me if he is caught am I understood?" Said a dog masked anbu with grey gravity defying hair. Every anbu in the room agreed to his terms except two before heading out to search for my little brother and shadow. Some went to our house to wait for him and to stay with my mom incase something happened.

Tou-san and I headed home for the night and just as we reached the front door, we heard yelling coming from our backyard. My parents and I rushed to the backyard only to see my twin yelling at two anbu ninjas who were pinning a small boy down to the ground and harshly pulling him to his feet. The boys eyes held a bored and annoyed look. Though my brother looked at the two with deadly eyes. Tou-san stepped in and asked what was going on just as me and okaasa rushed to my brothers side. Okaasa checked him for injuries and I tried to calm him down.

"Nĕ otõto, what's wrong, why so angry, what happened?" If looks could kill we'd all be dead right now. He looked ready for war, a very bloody one. I shook him a bit to get his attention. He finally made eye contact with me and calmed down before explaining everything and I was beyond shocked. He had actually made a friend.

Everyone in the village wanted to be his friend but he never gave anyone a chance, now his finally befriended someone and come to find out its shadow the village prankster himself. "I thought I told you no harm was to come to the boy boar, hawk." A voice hard as steel said. The two anbu shook with fear and they quickly released the boy causing him to fall which made my brother growl. The boy came running straight into my brothers arms who had quickly caught him and held him close with cold eyes staring at the three anbu ninjas. I watched in amusement as my brother glared at the three adults, I've never seen him like this and for some reason it made me proud. "You two are dismissed, Dog stay for a while." Tou-san went up to the dog masked anbu and patted his shoulder and watched as the other two disappeared into the night.

The dog masked anbu removed his mask after my father asked him to then was brought into a hug by my father which made me raise my eyebrow at them. I looked back at Menma to see him still glaring at the man which made dad chuckle. "Menma you can let go now son."  Menam shock his head before speaking, "No, and if I must let go he stays next to me." Mom giggled and dad looked shocked and proud, Menma never talks back and is always doing what he is told. I was quite amused and wanted to mess with him so I began to approach my brother with my usual devious smirk.

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