00 - prologue

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Loud footsteps were heard thumping against the jagged gravel, a young girl around six years old was running away from the gigantic mountain surrounded by large rock gates

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Loud footsteps were heard thumping against the jagged gravel, a young girl around six years old was running away from the gigantic mountain surrounded by large rock gates. Or, at least, the remains of it. Her breathing was steady, maybe being trained by "monsters" was pretty effective. She had enough stamina to run for three days, she didn't know if it was going to be enough. 'Gotta make sure they're dead.' Her running slowed down and eventually stopped, she glanced back—smoke was already rising to the sky.

Kukuroo Mountain, a mountain that was tall enough to touch the sky. Those were the rumors, along with multiple others, one being that assassins lived there. Yeah well, that rumor was true, the young girl could prove it by the branding on her wrist and her last name. She turned around and reeled her arm back, her feet were bare—that was enough contact itself to control the entire place. Every molecule, every atom, every chemical bond,
every ion, every single form of matter in the vicinity was under her control.

Her nose started to bleed and her hands trembled, it had been a while since she was able to use her quirk. Her eyes were watery at how much dust had gotten into them, 'I hope all of them rot in hell.' She felt a sense of freedom when she unleashed her attack, the atoms split apart and exploded at the amount of energy that had been released from manipulating them. Zero Zero Two wasn't going to be able to flee in time, she knew that—she didn't care if it meant her torturers were dead. She was blown back by the scale of the attack she sent.

Everything within miles was broken apart and turned to dust—creating a wasteland, she was blown all the way back towards civilization. "Damn, where did that cat go? I wanted to give it some food." A sixteen year old boy in a U.A school uniform pouted to himself, his hair was a light blue color and it was wavy. It swept back and upwards above his head, he had two strands left out that framed his face. "I should get back now, Sho-!!" There was a loud boom that rumbled the ground, his head snapped northwest—it was that mountain.

Wait...where was the mountain? All he saw was smoke and everything around an area getting pushed back by an aftershock. 'Huh..?' The aftershock hit—car alarms sounded and windows of multiple buildings shattered. "Someone might be in trouble..!" A cloud formed underneath the teen and sent him hurtling towards the scene. "Hello?! Is anyone there?!" He called out—the urge to help people in need rose again. Multiple heroes where also going to the scene, though not as fast as the boy. "Hey!!"

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