05 - flying corks hit flaming trash

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"But (Y/n), I thought we were going to do the beach park clean up today

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"But (Y/n), I thought we were going to do the beach park clean up today. Didn't you say we couldn't afford any breaks?" Izuku tilted his head like a confused puppy while the green haired assassin focused on the road. "It's a break day Izuku, you've been working hard these past days. So you deserve a little something, my treat!" She rubbed his head with a smile before adding, "And I've been wanting to go to this new restaurant that opened up. And it's real classy, so I said, "why not?" Y'know?" Both of them were dressed formally, he was in a suit and she was in a dress.

"Fair enough, but we're gonna go back to training tomorrow, right?" She laughed at the glint of desperation in his eyes, "Calm down kid. That trash ain't going no where, and we still have a long time till you can even begin to go with me on missions. So relaxxx," she leaned back as they approached a wealthy looking building. "Fineee." They entered the building with their elbows linked, "Do you have a reservation?" One of the employees in the front questioned and lurched their hand out. A small black card was placed in their hand, by (Y/n), with a smile. Their eyes widened a tad.

"You can proceed to the top floor, your table number is fifteen." The green haired boy leaned towards the woman, "What was that all about?" They were handed a little pin to place on their clothes. "I got the pricey tables darling, now let's go." The building was a glass one, the designs were intricate and abstruse. The overall theme was white and gold, giving the place giving a general angelic ambience. The two went up to the top floor, "Even the air seems expensive here," Izuku screwed his eyes shut. "Oh, I should've asked first. Sorry, is it not your taste? We can go somewhere else-"

He stopped her from pressing another elevator button, "No, no! It's okay, just different from what I'm used to..." He rubbed his neck, she retracted her hand. "Just saying, you don't gotta always follow what I say. As long as you feel safe and sound, and you're comfortable with me—I'm cool with it. But if you don't wanna live or hang out with me—I can just guide and give you enough so you can live on your own." He furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm fine with you. And...you've giving me everything that I could ever ask for. So this is okay!" He offered her a smile, a beaming one.

It was different. Genuine, she could say. Maybe it was the first big smile she's seen plastered on his face since she met him for the first time. A smile graced her face too, "Alright kid. Whatever you want." The elevator doors opened—snapping them out of their little moment. "Let's go, the desk jockey- I mean, the person said we're table fifteen." Izuku snorted at the assassins mishap and she started rubbing his head with her knuckles. "You laughing at me now, boy? Imma steal all your food if you laugh at me again." His eyes squinted and he swatted her hand away.

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