01 - green, green, green

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(Y/n) stared at the green haired boy's body, his limbs were twisted and blood was pouring out of his unhinged mouth

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(Y/n) stared at the green haired boy's body, his limbs were twisted and blood was pouring out of his unhinged mouth. His previously pretty green eyes were clouded over with death, there was a pool of crimson that his body laid in. She felt goosebumps appear on her arms and legs, she shivered at the thought of touching the body. Sure, she's seen a lot of nasty crap but never in her life would she touch it. Germs are disgusting, she wants to scrub her skin with a steal wool sponge now. His junior high uniform was teared and covered in grime, the sound of a person vomiting made her shudder.

"Keep it down back there, please." Her body hunched over in reflex, she slapped a hand over her mouth and screwed her eyes shut. "I-I'm sorry!!" Midoriya apologized as he peeked his head out from the bush, wiped the excess bodily fluids off of his lips and walked over to the woman who pinched her nose. "So how is this going to work..?" She glanced over to him and stood up straight, her arms went back to her sides. "Someone will find your body in the morning, it's just a clone so you don't have to worry about it being real. You're not Izuku Midoriya anymore."

"That's him." Zero Two pointed at the blank body before adding, "And he's dead." Izuku deadpanned at her, "Yes I know that, but what's gonna happen to me?" He pointed at himself, "Dont give me that sassy back talk schoolboy." She crossed her arms as she turned and started walking, the green haired boy followed after her like a lost puppy. He was still carrying his bulky yellow backpack, "You'll be staying with me from now on, your new name is Izuku (L/n). I'll change your appearance with my quirk."

"What is your quirk exactly? You used some type of telekinesis, then you cloned me, and now you're saying you're gonna change my appearance...and I don't even know you. You don't know me either, so why are you taking me in? I just met you." She sweat dropped, "Right, sorry for invading your privacy but you have a lot of potential. Excluding those notebooks of yours—you have multiple choices of what to do. Now that you're mine-" She was cut off, "I'm yours? I'm not a pet-" It was his turn to be cut off, "Not like that...you can think of me as family."

"Only if you want to though, hey, hey—what do you want to be though?" Izuku continued to follow her through the street light lit sidewalks, the stars were already showing. His face turned gloomy and fairly his long hair covered his eyes, it set his sulking aura further. He wanted to be a hero, but if All Might told him he couldn't be a hero—then he couldn't. Maybe he should've just- there was a harsh slap to his back, "Oye, oye, stop being so gloom and doom cariño!" Her arm wrapped around his shoulders, he was snapped back into reality.

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