Any Last Words?

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Any Last Words? - New Years Day

"Lay you down to rest in your blood-soaked party dress."

-  Set in England in the early 1850’s (1853)  -

Note: Frank is 22 and Gerard is 27

“When Edinburgh invented the hypodermic needle or the syringe in the late 1800s, 1853 to be exact, opiates would become much more widely used and abused.  At this point in the history of narcotics, the primary method of use was through oral ingestion.  By now, the extraction of morphine from the poppy plant had began (in 1806) and more measured disease were being administered to patients during child labor and other painful procedures. - See more at:”

Act I

Gerard looks at himself in the mirror. It’s only when he looks at himself directly into the mirror that he feels… Fake. Like if that’s not who he really is. Something is wrong. Something is missing, but every time; he ends up staring at his reflection (a plain, white linen shirt and black slacks, worn-out, black boots. His hair was the same story as his boots; a mop of greasy, tangled raven black hair. He just didn’t care anymore) it’s like his body sends a telepathic message to Frank, who will walk up behind Gerard, snake his arms around Gerard’s waist, and kiss Gerard’s neck –even though Frank had to stand on his toes, which Gerard made sure to point out regularly.

”It’s okay, Gee. We’re okay.” he would say. But Gerard knew that it wasn’t, and he knew that Frank knew it too. They didn’t know anyone else like them, and they felt like freaks for it. So they never showed affection in public, letting everyone think that they were just really good friends. They made sure to keep it all inside the little attic they rent; all the kisses, the caresses, the sex, the small whispers promising love.

Frank and Gerard have to go out for coffee this day. The walk is long, but they don’t have enough money for a ride, nor a horse of their own. They barely have enough money for the coffee they are going to buy, but they never say it out loud. Admitting their problem isn’t going to help them get more money. They could always go to the store right around the corner, but all the supplies in that shop are way too expensive. But their friend, Schechter, sells them for half the price at the edge of the town. Only people that were low on money knew about the place, which was probably for the best considering what Brian (meaning Schechter) does isn’t the most legal.

The walk is rather nice. It’s just the right temperature for an English spring in 1853. Birds singing, children laughing, all that cliché shit. Or rather, what Gerard found cliché. Frank thought it was calming, and almost made him smile as the scenery reminded him of books he had read. Gerard found it annoying, and he could never understand Frank’s amusement for books. Then again, Gerard couldn’t read. His mother couldn’t afford school for both Gerard and his brother, Michael. And where is father was, was a really good question, because nobody knew. Michael was the one who ended up with an education, which Gerard had insisted on.

But as Frank and Gerard are walking down the street, a rather unpleasant surprise is waiting them. They are currently in the rather shady part of the city, and are walking down a back lane, taking a short cut to Brian’s shop, when a silhouette steps in front of them. Frank immediately stops Gerard by stretching out an arm. It was a person, more exactly a man, and as the man came closer, Frank recognized him right away.

”Bob.” he chokes out. But Bob just smirks and pulls out a knife from his pocket. Frank and Gerard don’t hesitate in turning around and run, but then someone grabs them both from out of the shadows. The two new men soon threw them up against the brick wall. Frank knew who the one holding Gerard was, Brendon, but he had no idea who the short guy holding himself up was.

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