that time frank almost got a nipple piercing

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a/n a short lil' thing that's been in my idea/note/sketchbook for years. (Slightly not-fic-y but not really u feel?) (if u dont know what a not-fic is, google it) (mentions of Gerard's alcohol abuse but its not a major focus in the story). not edited as usual. the drawing over is as old as the original notes for this oneshot aka since the summer. its supposed to be slightly disproportionate and cartoon-y. dedicated to -mansontrashaF bcus reasons;-)

Frank hadn't meant to drink so much, he really hadn't, but when he had already downed a few beers, he couldn't stop until you pried it out of his hands. Of course, it wasn't as bad as Gerard's drinking, 'cause Frank drank to have a good time, not to drown his sorrows. That's what he used music for.

But Frank was so drunk that he had no control over what was spewing out of his mouth. Frank was so drunk that he didn't have any control over what he said yes to. Frank was so drunk that he accepted Worm's challenge to pierce his male mammary papillas, the skin tissue also known as A Nipple.

Of course, Worm had meant it as a joke, not expecting Frank to take it seriously and actually doing it. The next day, Frank couldn't even remember the incident or what Worm had said except from what the witnesses told him the day after. It was probably something like, "Now that you're starting to metal-up your face," -in reference to Frank's newest facial piercings, that looked totally cool, okay?- "why not take it a step further and pierce your nips too, dude?". But again, Frank had no idea, he couldn't even remember it.

So Frank found himself in the first tattoo parlor he could find in the town they were currently in (Frank forgot the name of the town they played in yesterday okay?). Since it was late at night, there was very few people in the shop; only a woman with long, bright red hair and facial tattoos, Frank, Worm and Chad -their tech guy whom Frank may or may not have made out with a few times (The guy had  a nice dick okay, you can't blame him). Neither of the last two seemed glad to be there.

"Dude- buddy, Frank are you sure about this?" Worm asked, clearly unsure. Frank just laughed.

"Bro, it's not gonna hurt, plus I'm gonna look super hot B-)"

Worm just rolled his eyes -he didn't think nipple piercings were "B-)" worthy, he thought they were trashy, "Oh, so this is for Gerard, huh? I see..." He huffed and the trio made their way over to the counter, having spent the entire time by the entrance.

"Fuck nah, my and Gee-man haven't been at it for months. Maybe I wanna do something for myself for once?" Frank rolled his eyes. Chad remained quiet.

Worm just shrugged it off with a small "sure, sure".

Frank leaned over the counter, letting his clammy hands stain the glass surface, "Hello I'd like a piercing in each nipple please and thank you."

The girl behind the desk looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, "we don't fix drunk people." She said sternly.

Frank just giggled, "Pfft, I'm not drunk.", but his right hand had shimmied down into his back pocket and was now clutching a $10 bill and flicked it over the counter smoothly, making it land right next to the woman's hands. "Trust me." He sent her his signature smirk/grin, the one that made all the girls swoon. At least that's what Frank thought.

But it seemed to work. The lady smirked back, snatching the dollar bill, "of course you're not, I'm terrible sorry, please forgive me."

"Well, then I need you to take off your shirt." She prepared the sanitizer.

"You just want an excuse to see me naked." Frank joked, sending her a wink as she turned back to face him. He barely glanced over at Chad to see the boy's reaction. He was blushing. Frank pretended it was out of jealousy.

"Of course." Sam dabbed the cotton piece over Frank's right nipple. The liquid was cooling and when the air hit the wet stud, it went completely hard.

"Nice tats by the way." She complimented.

"Thanks. Maybe one day I could show you the rest."

It looked like Chad was about to explode, "I'll have you know that Frank is as straight as a curly fry, so he don't want to have anything to do with your crusty, dusty ass vagina."

Yeh, Chad was jealous.
The flirting couple just rolled their eyes simultaneously.

"No shit," Sam snorted, "He's getting a fucking nipple piercing," She turned around to get the needle, "this your boyfriend or something?" She leaned onto the chair, her back to a fuming Chad and Worm (who'd remained quiet the whole time besides a few gagging sounds and motions)

"Nah. Sucked his dick once, but that's it."

Chad looked like he wanted to die in a hole. aka Frank's asshole. It was glorious.

"Cool." Was all Sam said.
She was about to bring the needle to Frank when Worm's phone rang.

Worm sighed when he saw the caller ID, "It's Schetcher. I should take it, it's probably important, hang on."

When Worm answered the phone he barely spoke a word. It was a quick conversation, and not even 40 seconds later, he hung up with a "K, bye."

The big man looked terrible, almost heartbroken.
"Guys, it's Gee. He's in big trouble. He's with Jerry right now, but it didn't look too good, we should head back."

Frank sighed, "God damn, every time." and then they got back to the tour bus.

The next day Frank woke up with a killer head-ache, Gerard proposed to the band that he would get clean and sober, and Worm told everyone the story of how Frank almost got a nipple piercing.

Let's just say, it didn't happen again.

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