a love story

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A Love Story

(a/n dont judge the chapter title okay it was for school and we and to name it that and im so uncreative so i cant come up with something else)

Everywhere he looked, all Frank could see was flowers. All shapes, sizes and colors. Flowers were like people in that way, he thought. He had originally walked into the tiny shop to buy flowers for his mother's birthday, but ended up marvelling at the beautiful creations that seemed to inhabit the whole room. He thought that the woman, who must have made these, was very talented. The many scents also filled the crampled space, and Frank wondered how whoever worked here, never got high on the fumes.

After taking his time, Frank made it to the cashier. Since he had no idea about anything to do with flowers -he owned a tattoo parlor, of course he had no knowledge about flowers- so he needed help from whoever was currently at job.

To Frank's slight surprise there was a boy behind the desk, and he was quite the odd-one out amongst the flowers considering his mostly black attire, perked on a small chair, feet swung up beside the display of tiny plants, and a comic book opened in between his hands.

The weird boy obviously hadn't noticed Frank -which Frank thought he would have, due to the bell that chimed every time someone barely touched the door-, because when he noticed a strange, inked arm resting over the marbled desktop, he jumped and dropped his comic on the floor.

The boy's flushed face let out a high pitched squeal and turned around and down in a search for his comic book, "A-Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't see you, oh God." Clumsy mumbled the last part, mostly to himself. Frank noticed that the boy seemed to have a strange accent, much like himself, despite them being in Texas.

Frank wasn't able to see much, as the other boy was crouched behind the counter, and Frank himself was quite small.

Suddenly a crash emitted from behind the counter and desperate swears.

"You okay back there, dude?" Frank was getting worried. He hadn't meant to scare the other. All though, he did find it slightly amusing. Soon after, a small gasp and cry also piped up.

"Um, n-no, I kind of just... Killed a really important order..." the one-yet-to-be-introduced says hushed, almost seeming on the edge of tears. You know, when you can hear in a person's voice that they are trying their hardest not to burst into sobs and keep it all down. That's when Frank decided to round the corner and maybe help the poor soul.

The sight wasn't as bad as he had thought, justa white orchid and dirt strewn out over the floor and a broken vase on the boy's hands (At least Frank assumed it was a vase). The mentioned seemes to be choking back tears, and Frank instantly felt bad.

"Hey, don't worry. It doesn't look that bad. I'm sure we could fix it."

His attempt to cheer up the boy seemed futile as he shook his head.

"No, you don't understand. This was a very important order, and I spent days to perfection it, and now it's all... ruined." He threw the remains of the ceramic on the ground and stared angrily at the mess. To be honest, Frank couldn't see what it was to perfect. It was just a stupid, average white flower.

"I'm sure your boss won't fire you." Frank crouched down, the plant in a heap in between them.

Clumsy let out a short, humorless laugh, "yeah, that wouldn't be good for the business, considering I'm the boss."

Frank tried not to seem surprised. If anything, he would have guessed that the guy was the son of whoever old woman owned the shop. Usually Frank was the last person to stereotype others.

"You mean you made all of these? You're really talented then, I'm sure you can make it again." Frank touched the man's shoulder, and instantly felt a faint zap of electricity. He was aware that it sounded oh-so extremely cliché, but he didn't care, because that was the only way to explain it.

The guy smiled at his lap and mumbled a 'thanks'.

"I'm Frank," Frank said.

"I'm Gerard," Gerard said. Frank thought Gerard's name was probably the only thing that seemes to fit the flowers, old and almost Victorian, pretty. And if Gerard's name was a box, it would be an old, wooden one with flower pattern carvings and if you blew on it, small specks of dust would whirl around everywhere and get in your eyes and lungs. Frank didn't like the thought of that, he was sensitive to dust.


Later Frank learned that Gerard and the flowers had more in common than just a rare name. He had stayed with Gerard to help him fix the flowers, and they had become great friends during those hours, discovering many similar interests. They learned more about each other, and they decided to meet up again the next few days, outside of the florist boutique, which turned into weeks. Frank had never met anyone like Gerard, unique, pretty, funny, delicate and sweet, almost shy, but he soon opened more up.

And the moment when he probably was probably the most open during their short relationship up to that moment, was when he kissed Frank, just like that, on his own bed, in his own room, in his parents' house. And as the cliché love stories go, Gerard's mother walked in. And she was not pleased, telling Frank to leave immediately, or she would call the police. Now, Frank knew that the police wouldn't arrest them for "homosexual activity", but Frank wasn't exactly best-buds with them either, and Gerard's mother's mouth reminded him of his neighbour's rottweiler.

Frank regrets that he flew from the house like a scared deer, he admits it, because after that Gerard became more and more closed and defensive, like a flower during nighttime. He stopped answering Frank's texts and calls, and whenever Frank popped in on the boutique, he was always met with the good ol' white and red "CLOSED" sign and a locked, green door. Basically, Gerard was nowhere to be seem, as he had just vanished from the surface of Earth, and there was no way he was going back to Gerard's (parents') house.

That was until Frank came home late one night after a long day at the parlor, finding a shivering Gerard outside his apartment.

"You have been avoiding me." Frank said sternly. He was so not in the mood for this. All he wanted to do was go the fuck to sleep.

"I am so sorry, Frank, you have no idea." He stood up in front of Frank, blue lips and puffy eyes. He went for a hig, but Frank refused. He didn't want to decline, but he felt like he had no choice.

"Don't you dare, don't you dare give me that bullshit. You had me worried for weeks!" Frank's heart really did ache from the sight of little Gerard (even though he was taller than Frank) slouched in front of him with hurt, teary eyes.

"I know, but please let me explain."

And this time he let Gerard hig him, and he hugged back, nuzzling his cold nose into the other's neck.

"It's okay, I understand, you don't have to." Frank whispered, his warm breath making Gerard shiver. He hadn't noticed how cold he was before now.

And then they went inside.

a/n -to fuck.

jk (not really). ayy another one *claps self on back*. also a school assigment hah... and yes, gerard can afford a flower boutique but not his own place. priorities.

oh whale. its soon 12 i need to sleep. goodnight. (just gotta do a spellcheck first ayy lmao) and dont question the tagged picture i think its qt

ok pece out -zoo

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