Ch. 20

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I stepped into the suite heading to take a shower. The water ran across my body as my irritation continued to pulse inside me. I knew I was harsh to my friends but I couldn't stop myself hearing my old name and them prying into what happened with Saul. I had barely processed it and they wanted me to talk about it. I wasn't ready to talk to them about it.

I stood under the shower head letting the small drops hit me until the water was cold and I was shivering. I then decided to get out and pulled on pajamas. I winced as the top brushed my stomach sending a brief flash of pain reminding me I was healed yet. I sat on my bed after I had changed and grabbed a random book to read. I was surprised to discover it was one of the Harry Potter books. I smiled as I immersed my attention fully in the book of magic and wonder. I spent hours reading the book until I heard the suite door open.

I took a deep breath before placing the book down. I needed to apologize for being as rude as I was. I got up walking into the common room finding Bloom and Aisha. I saw regret and guilt in Bloom's eyes despite doing nothing wrong.

"Look, Bloom I'm really sorry for how I reacted in the cafeteria. I was upset about everything and I took it out on you. It wasn't fair of me to do that," I said firmly as Bloom's eyes widened in shock. "It wasn't your fault and you weren't at fault at all. You didn't know I prefer to be called Brielle and you also didn't know I wasn't ready to talk about what happened with me and Saul."

"We are worried about you Brielle," Aisha chimed in as Bloom nodded. "What I saw in the cafeteria isn't you."

"I know it's just," I trailed off not knowing how to explain my emotions at the moment. I was happy and sad, scared and yet not all at the same time. My emotions were going a million miles and I wasn't really handling them well.

"Hey, I get it. A lot has changed in the past few days," Bloom said and I gave her a thankful smile. "I know you are probably overwhelmed but we will help you as best we can."

"Bloom is right Brielle. You are our friend and friends stick together no matter what," Aisha said as I walked over pulling them into a group hug.

"Thank you guys," I said before pulling away.

"Okay, now that we've cleared the air I'm going to tell Musa it's emotional safe to come back," Bloom said pulling her phone out to text her.

"So, you don't want to talk about everything what sort of distraction would you like?" Aisha asked as I sat on the couch.

"Anything please," I begged grabbing Aisha's arm pleading with her.

"Well Bloom and Sky finally went official," Aisha said as my blue eyes snapped over to the fire fairy who's cheeks tinted pink.

"Wow!" I said bluntly. "I didn't think you would ever go official. I mean you guys were sorta a thing even before I got here and yet you both weren't technically dating."

"Sky was very patient waiting for Bloom," Aisha said as Bloom sat on the couch next to Aisha.

"That's really sweet he wanted to make sure you were ready," I said grinning at her.

"Yeah, I just wasn't sure if I wanted to start dating after barely starting here at Alfea plus the whole Rosalind issue kept getting in the way," Bloom said as I nodded. I bet Rosalind and Andreas purposely got between Bloom and Sky as much as possible. Sky is the best fighter we have and Bloom is strong so Rosalind wouldn't want them together until they were fully under her control.

"So when is the first real date?" I asked her as she stiffened giving me a panicked look.

"I don't know and I definitely don't know what to wear," Bloom stated as I bit my lip holding back a laugh at her panicked expression.

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