Ch. 24

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With my peaceful mood shattered I walked away from Luna. I wondered if the issue had to do with Rosalind but the guard hadn't said. I shouldn't worry but I did. I reached the suite to find Bloom pacing her eyes flickering between orange and green. She was freaking out and on the verge of setting a fire.

"Bloom," I gasped. Musa gave me a relieved look as I stepped over to Bloom.

"My parents, they are missing," she ranted as I froze.

"Rosalind," I muttered as Bloom nodded tears swimming in her eyes mixing with her anger. "I'll handle it!" I stated before I stormed out of the room. I headed straight back to Luna's room needing her to tell me what they were going to do to fix it. The guard seeing my fierce determination let me in without question. I found Luna debating with a Solarian soldier about how to find Bloom's parents.

"We have to look for them now," she stated as the man sighed.

"We should wait for her to reach out. We know she took them for leverage," the man said as I coughed gaining their attention.

"Take me to the human realm. I might get a read that will help," I suggested as Luna frowned.

"It's dangerous Brielle," she said as I crossed my arms.

"What else is new?" I retorted as she glanced at the man. He seemed to be analyzing me before he gave an impressed smirk.

"I'll take her," he said firmly. "She will be safe."

"Fine, I'll send guards with you but you need to speak with Saul and Farah first," she told me as I frowned. They would hate this idea but I had to do something.

"Let's go lieutenant," I muttered sarcastically as the soldier raised a brow at me.

"My name is Max," he told me and I just smirked at him. We exited Luna's office tracking down my parents who were both arguing in my mother's office.

"She will come here!" My father said as my mother shook her head.

"Not yet. She has a bigger plan," she informed him.

"Guys!" I shouted stopping their conversation. "I'm going to the human world to see if I can sense anything. Luna is giving me a protection detail."

"Absolutely not!" My mother said firmly. "Brielle this is a dangerous situation you should not be involved in."

"That's the thing. I'll always be involved in this. She will come for me eventually no matter what you do," I stated as she frowned.

"If you insist upon going I am joining you," my father said and the soldier who had followed me gave him a sharp nod.

"Of course Headmaster Silva," Max said as my father looked to my mom.

"I'll keep her safe," he promised my mother. I sensed her discomfort but I knew she wasn't going to get in the way.

"We won't be there long and if we find anything we will call for more soldiers," I vowed as she gave me a tight smile.

"Please be careful," she said weakly causing me to rush over and hug her.

"I'll be back I promise," I told her softly before I pulled away my eyes falling to the soldier. "When do we leave?"

"I'll round up some soldiers and meet you at the barrier," he said as I nodded. He turned exiting the room while I faced my father.

"We should get ready," I said. He didn't say anything but I saw the agreement in his eyes.

"I'll grab my bag," he said to my mother before the two of us left her in her office. We walked quickly to the specialist side of the school. He grabbed a bag of weapons while I grabbed a collapsible metal staff. I was pretty decent with a staff. My father appraised my choice of weapon but didn't say anything as we walked back through the school and over to the soldiers.

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