Ch. 26

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"Mom," I called out as the darkness swirled around me. "I'm sorry." I whispered as I spun around trying to find a way out of the darkness but I couldn't find a single glimmer of light.

"Where is she?" I heard her sobs and I just wanted to hug her but I couldn't.

"I'm okay, don't worry about me," I yelled into the dark hoping she would hear me but I had no way of knowing if she did. "I love you both."

My eyes snapped open as bright light filled the room. I was in my room laying on my bed. It was quiet. I couldn't feel anything, not emotions or thoughts. I sat up cautiously my body stiff. I went to try to move my teddy bear with magic but it barely wiggled and hurt. I got to my feet slowly the room swaying before I got my bearings. I walked out of my room as clung to the railing as I descended the stairs.

Once I was on the main level Andreas noticed me.

"Rosalind," he called out. She exited what appeared to be her office eyes widening at my presence.

"Alira," she muttered as I met her blue eyes. "How are you feeling?" I didn't need my magic to see the malicious intent with her question.

"Fine," I said tightly as Andreas looked to Rosalind for confirmation.

"And your magic?" She questioned further. I glared at her as tears welled in my eyes. I had no idea how much she damaged my magic and it wouldn't be the first time she hurt someone so badly they never fully recovered. "I see." I saw the smile growing on both their faces as they looked at me. "Shall we give your parents a progress update?"

"Leave them out of this," I snapped as she laughed.

"Still so brave. Just like Farah. You are fighting a battle you cannot win," Rosalind said striding forward caressing my bruised cheek tenderly.

"I will never give in," I said a tear escaping down my face as I pulled back from Rosalind.

"You have nothing to fight with anymore. You should be grateful I haven't ended your pathetic life," she retorted before she stalked away. Andreas gave me a look before he left the house completely. I gave in to my sadness and frustration as I sank to the floor with tears cascading down my cheeks. She took the one thing I had and I let her. I pushed so hard my magic snapped. I had done exactly as my mother and pushed too far. I wasn't sure if I would ever get my magical ability back.

I don't know how long I cried for my magic but I was still a mess on the floor when Beatrix found me. Her usual bitter aloof behavior melted away and I saw her. The real Beatrix as her brown eyes flashed with concern that she tried and failed to hide from me.

"What happened?" She asked her voice soft. I looked up at her pained as I opened my mouth to speak.

"I can't channel my magic. It was the only thing I had and now it's gone. She ripped me from my parents and now she ripped me from my magic," I cried angrily. "Why does she hate me so much?" Beatrix seemed to have a small debate in her mind before she knelt down pulling me into her arms.

"I'm sorry Alira," she whispered careful that Rosalind wouldn't hear her. "I'm so sorry."

"I can't handle this," I said my voice cracking. She just held me tightly before she released me getting to her feet. I looked up at her as she offered me her hand.

"Trust me," she said gently. I reached my hand up letting her help me up. She then led me out of the house. We walked ten yards from the house when she waved her hand. A portal formed in front of me. It wasn't perfect but it was good enough to get me away from here. "Go Alira. I owe you."

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