Ch. 27

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When we arrived at the greenhouse my mother helped me onto the table before she called for Ben.

"Okay," Ben said worry evident in his voice as he started first with a physical assessment of the areas I indicated were injured. "The damage doesn't appear to be lasting for your bruises or sprain. Was there any damage inflicted by magic?"

"Yes," my mother answered releasing my hand. The pain rushed through my body as my mother stopped soothing the pain so Ben could better assess the situation. I winced but quickly schooled my features hiding the ache coming from my magic.

"I'm going to use a spell. Depending on what the damage is it may hurt," he said his eyes locking on mine. I bit my lip but nodded encouragingly. Ben started to channel the magic and the burning agony returned as I shut my eyes. I balled up my fists and locked my jaw trying not to show my mother the tears filling my eyes as Ben's magic checked the fractured splinters of my own. When the spell faded I breathed heavily taking a moment before I opened my eyes. I could see my mother had tears in her eyes as she stepped forward letting her power dance across my hand which was held firmly in hers.

"How bad is it Ben?" My mother asked as he frowned.

"I don't know how she's breathing. I don't know if she will ever be able to use her magic again. The damage I sense was more than the damage your own magic had faced Farah. It seemed almost methodical the areas impacted," Ben said softly. Anger and sadness clashed inside me at his words. I should have known Rosalind was planning to hurt my power as that was the only threat. I had been the one so strong she ran away but now I couldn't even stand without pain resonating from my magic.

"How bad are we talking Ben?" my mother asked rubbing the back of my hand with her thumb gently.

"The core of her magic is cracked and I sensed remnants of Rosalind's magic almost interfering with the healing process," Ben said. "I could barely sense Brielle's magic which doesn't bode well for the possibility of rehabilitating her powers." A single tear leaked from my eye which I was quick to wipe. My mother glanced at me and I could see the pain she felt for me but we both knew there wasn't anything she could do to help. "I'm sorry Farah," he said as I sat up. My eyes were hard as I looked over to her.

"Can I go rest now?" I asked not wanting to spend a moment more hearing about my magic.

"Yes," my mother said shifting to slip her arm around my waist. "Would you like to stay in my suite or go back to the Winx Suite?" My mother asked as I rested my head on her shoulder as we stepped into the hallway.

"I don't want to see them now," I told her softly. She nodded in understanding leading me through the school to her room. I hadn't seen her room before but I was so focused on the void in my magic I wasn't even excited to see it. She opened the door and I saw a beautiful living room with a lot of books. Along the back wall was a desk covered in what I assumed to be more paperwork she had to do. She flipped the light on before leading me off to the right where her room was. In the middle of the room was a queen bed covered in soft blue sheets. She helped me sit on the bed before she rushed over to her closet handing me a large shirt and some black pajama bottoms.

"I'll be just outside if you need help changing," my mother said as I gave a tired smile. She turned exiting the room. I got up taking off my clothes wincing as pain pulsed through me with each and every movement. Once I pulled on the pajamas I crawled into the bed. I shut my eyes but the aching of my magic caused me to constantly move to find any relief but there wasn't any. I sighed before deciding to man up and ask for help.

"Mom," I called out. Within a few minutes she came into the room her eyes softening at the frustrated pain on my face. Without missing a beat she got onto the bed her arms pulling me close. Her magic enveloped me and the pain faded. I smiled as I clung to her shifting so my body curled up against her with my head on her chest. With one arm holding me close her free hand reached up to play with my dark hair. I breathed sleepily as the fatigue lulled me to sleep now that the pain wasn't keeping me awake.

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