Ch.2 : New Family

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Pic above belongs to ClevzX! ^^^

Kevin woke up at 6:30 AM, the sky was still dark but it seemed like the sun was coming up. Kevin felt something weird about his wings, he looked and... he had hands! These hands are 3 fingered and resemble that of his mate Moonhidora. He then begins to remember his time with his loving mate, Io before he and his brothers arrived to Earth.

San then got up and walked towards the balcony door, seeing the outside. He then placed his winghand on the doorknob, remembering how Gracie opens up the door, he grabbed the knob and turned it, the door soon opened. As he walked outside, he closed the door behind him and watched the sun rise from the frosty mountains.

It was indeed very cold out, but he finds the vacuum of space far colder. Something about watching the sunrise was just so beautiful to him, plus he is still taking in the fact that he is not creating a devastating storm around himself, so he can enjoy the natural beauty of this world rather than destroy it.

He watched the sunset for several hours, soon Gracie wakes up and sees Kevin outside. She gets out of her bed and walks over to the balcony door and opens it, Kevin turns around to see Gracie coming out. "Good M-M-Morning K-K-K-Kevin" said Gracie. Kevin smiled at her, and she walked under his wing and leaned against his side. Kevin purred softly and placed a wing hand on her head and stroked her.

Gracie noticed Kevin's heads, he defidenly didn't have these hands before. "W-W-Where did y-y-y-y-you get t-t-t-t-these?" said Gracie, Kevin looked at his new hands and grunted. He chittered in confusion, and it told Gracie that it was much of a mystery to him as it is to her.

Gracie shrugged and hugged Kevin, and his purring grew a little louder. Kevin kept on stroking Gracie's head, his bond with Gracie was growing even more. He began to feel like he had a little sister in the form of Gracie, he always wanted to have a sibling who loved him for who he is rather then what he can do for her.

Gracie also loved Kevin, it's been awhile before someone was nice to her. It's been hard for her to make friends since her older biological brother would always spread rumors about her and people would only talk to her for her money. Kevin however wasn't about her money or what he was told (hypothetically), he liked Gracie for who she is.

"C-C-Can we g-g-g-g-o i-i-i-inside, it's c-c-cold" said Gracie, she soon went inside. Kevin shrugged and went inside, he was extremely tolerant to the cold, but if Gracie wants to be inside then he'll be inside with her.

Gracie sat in her bed, watching the TV in her room

Kevin layed next to her on the bed and also watched the TV, he seemed to like it since whenever something funny came on the show, he would let out a loud cackling as if he was laughing

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Kevin layed next to her on the bed and also watched the TV, he seemed to like it since whenever something funny came on the show, he would let out a loud cackling as if he was laughing. Gracie found it funny too and laughed whenever Kevin laughed, they were truly bonding.

Soon, someone barged in the room, it was Gracies older brother. He does this alot, come in and rudely wake up Gracie. However, he soon saw Kevin with Gracie! He then turned around and ran, Gracie soon ran to the balcony door, opened it and Kevin soon flew out.

Kevin : The One Headed Friend (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now