Ch.3 : Brothers

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It's been a full year since Kevin was accepted into the family, he and Gracie are more then friends, their brothers and sisters. Spending almost all their time together, doing all sorts of activities, their bond was unbreakable.

Her parent's loved Kevin, he was always so nice towards everyone and they appreciated Kevin not letting Luke and his friends bully Gracie, and whenever he tried Kevin would give him a good scare.

However... for the past few weeks, whenever Gracie was outside with Kevin, she noticed this eerie feeling that something was watching her from the woods. She didn't know what it was, but whatever was watching her didn't feel friendly at all... but she just shook it off, knowing if anyone tried to kidnap her again Kevin would kick their ass and save her.

One thing Gracie noticed is that Kevin seemed to be changing every few days, he began growing more and more intelligent. Before he was just a loving animal, like a puppy, now he seems self aware and aware of everything around him, and displaying more and more emotion and sympathy towards other people. It's as if Kevin was evolving to live among humans.

Sometimes when the family drove around the neighborhood in their golf cart, they couldn't help but notice Kevin watching the human children, specifically the ones who looked sad. Kevin seemed to have some sort of concern for the people who where down, it was rather cute to see he's having sympathy for the people who where down.

Kevin's new hands have more uses than just opening doors, Gracie's parents have been teaching him to actually use sign-language. They created a custom sign-language for him, he was still learning basic words but they were confident he was gonna be a fluent speaker with sign language.

Kevin also showed some puzzle solving skills, and his skills where extremely good for a dragon snake thing like him. Gracie's mom taught him how to play solitaire, and he learned pretty quickly.

And man can Kevin play solitaire...

It seemed Kevin was becoming more and more human when it came to intelligence. Monarch heard about Kevin and wanted to come over, take him to a lab just to "Study" him. Gracie's dad refused their offer though, fearing what may happen to Kevin while he's being "studied", he's heard stories of animals being placed into these labs and being mistreated painfully.


One day, Gracie was on a swim ring, in the middle of the pool, reading a book. Kevin was watching her from just outside the pool, swimming isn't really Kevin's strong suit and he doesn't really like to swim. He may jump on in sometimes but will mostly keep out of the water.

As Kevin observed Gracie, his sharp vision caught something moving in the woods. He couldn't see anything out there, but he knew something was watching them... something unfriendly. He roared at whoever was in the bushes to show themselves, Kevin's roar startled Gracie and she fell out of her swim ring float and into the water!

Soon, the being's watching them came out and to Kevin's ultimate dismay, Ichi and Ni came out of the woods! His face turned to fear, his brothers had finally found him, in the back of his mind he knew they could eventually come for him, he just didn't know it'd be today.

Gracie looked out of the pool and saw Kevin's brothers coming, "Hey K-K-K-K-Kevin, I-I-I-I t-t-t-t-tink y-y-you got f-f-f-friends c-c-c-c-coming!" said Gracie, she turned to Kevin and she saw sheer terror in Kevin's face.

(Gracie can't understand Kevin's conversation with his brothers)

"Well well well, look who we found here" said Ichi

"I see little San has gotten even weaker! Hahahaha!" said Ni, picking on Kevin like he always does.

"What are you two doing here?" said Kevin, flying over to them.

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